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Research Article

An Educational Method Based on Student-Generated Questions

Julia Gil Llinás , Luis Manuel Tobaja Márquez

This paper describes an experience based on the use of an active method in which students of a basic physics course prepare multiple choice questions .


This paper describes an experience based on the use of an active method in which students of a basic physics course prepare multiple choice questions (MCQs) to prepare for exams in the subject. The objective of the research was to provide the students with a method that would enhance their desire to learn physics, and consequently lead to an improvement in their meaningful learning. The participants were 57 first-year students from various engineering degrees. The quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-tests and a control group is described. The results showed that students who use the method of generating MCQs to prepare exams sometimes improve their learning significantly in comparison with the control group. The method also provides a new way to detect students' misconceptions about the concepts covered in class, which thus allows the evolution of their knowledge to be evaluated. Finally, it should be noted that the students valued the method used positively.

Keywords: Misconceptions, participatory learning, student-generated questions, teaching and learning physics.

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