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Research Article

Bloom’s Taxonomy Revision-Oriented Learning Activities to Improve Procedural Capabilities and Learning Outcomes

Made Aryawan Adijaya , I Wayan Widiana , I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata , I Gede Wahyu Suwela Antara

The implementation of learning activities in schools has not provided opportunities or encouragement for students in developing their procedural knowl.


The implementation of learning activities in schools has not provided opportunities or encouragement for students in developing their procedural knowledge. This research aimed to test the effectiveness of developing Bloom’s Taxonomy revision-oriented learning activities to grade IV elementary learners’ procedural knowledge capabilities and learning outcomes. This research used quasi-experiment with a quasi-experimental design which consisted of a posttest-only control design. The population of this study was sixth-grade students of 9 schools with an overall number of 229 students. The sample in the study was 50 students, there were 26 students from the experimental class and 24 students from the control class. A test method with 10 question items was used as a data collection method. The data analysis methods and techniques used were quantitative descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Then the data were analyzed using the MANOVA test assisted by the IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 program. The hypothesis test results showed a significance value of .000 (Sig<.05). It can be concluded in procedural capabilities and learning outcomes between groups of students there is a significant difference from following learning by implementing Bloom's Taxonomy Revision oriented learning activities with the experimental and control group.

Keywords: Bloom’s taxonomy revision, learning outcomes, procedural capabilities.

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