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Research Article

Development of a Digital-Preneurship Measurement Instrument: Alignment Approach Through Project-Based Learning

Isnaini Sholihan Abdurrahman , Fitri Nur Mahmudah

The purposes of this research are (a) to make an instrument to measure the achievement of project-based digitalpreneurship learning in students; (b) t.


The purposes of this research are (a) to make an instrument to measure the achievement of project-based digitalpreneurship learning in students; (b) to describe the quality of the project-based digitalpreneurship learning achievement assessment instrument for vocational high school students; (c) to measure the competence and skills. This study employed to research and development as its methodology, using a combination procedure between Oriondo and Antonio and, Mardapi. The development procedure includes three stages: instrument design, instrument testing, and measurement. A total of 795 students who participated in the study at 5 vocational high schools in Yogyakarta's special region served as responders. Data analysis in this development uses the content validity of the formula Aiken V Index, confirmatory factor analysis establishes the construct's validity, and construct reliability. Measurement instrument development. Research findings that (a) the instrument is ready to be used in the measurement; (b) the quality of the project-based digitalpreneruship learning achievement assessment instrument for vocational high school students is well tested. This is evidenced by the validity test which has a high score >.8; The proof of construct validity in this study using CFA > .5; GOF chi-square value with a critical value of df = 289, X2 = 323, p-value with a critical value of .079, RMSEA with a critical value of RMSEA .019 (≤ .08), SMRM with a critical value of SRMR 0.030 (≤ .05), CFI with a critical value of CFI .990 (> .97), and an NFI with a critical value of NFI .989 ( > .90); (c) the measurement results are identified in the process that needs to be improved again regarding the digitalpreneurship skills of vocational high school students.

Keywords: Approach, digitalpreneurship, instrument development, PjBL, vocational student.

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