Field Trial Analysis of Teaching Material Civic Education Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) to Improve Student’s Outcome
This research is part of developing study on the Civic education teaching material based on PBL. This research aims to determine the process of develo.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2018
- Pages: 259-265
- 2 Citations
This research is part of developing study on the Civic education teaching material based on PBL. This research aims to determine the process of developing the teaching material of Civic education based on PBL for the fourth-grade of elementary school in order to improve students’ learning outcome. The result of the previous study shows that the teaching material does not currently fulfill the students’ need. Method of research used is a descriptive qualitative and quantitative. This research consists of two activities namely the composing of extensive and limited test. In the implementation, the extensive test has a broader scope than limited test. Methods of collecting data in this research are interview, observation, expert assessment and test. The instruments of this research are interview guide, field notes, expert assessment sheet and test sheet of the student learning outcome. Stages in this activity include the preparation of teaching material Civic education based on PBL, experts’ validation of Civic education teaching material based on PBL, and field trials. The result of this research is a draft of teaching material of Civic education based on PBL including introduction, content and closing. It is eligible used by nine experts. The student learning outcome that uses the teaching material Civic education based on PBL is improved.
Keywords: PBL, knowledge, primary school, civic education
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