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Research Article

Investigation of Third Grade Students' Views on Media Literacy

Belgin Arslan-Cansever

The purpose of this study is to examine the views of nine years old students about media literacy and media literate. Phenomenology approach was used .


The purpose of this study is to examine the views of nine years old students about media literacy and media literate. Phenomenology approach was used qualitative research designs in the research. The study group consisted of 12 (7 girls, 5 boys) third grade students from two different primary schools in Bayrakli, Izmir, Turkey. Research data were collected through interviews. In these interviews, a semi-structured interview form was used. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Research findings are grouped under three themes: The meaning of media literacy, Characteristics of media literate and Being able to define themselves as being media literates or not. The findings showed that students mostly defined media literacy as “having a time limit in the use of media tools” and “critical view to the media”. According to students, the media literate is “ the one who uses the media for educational purposes" and as "critics".

Keywords: Media literacy, media literate, primary school students

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