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Research Article

Quality of Music Education in Croatian Music Schools: Students' Attitudes

Vesna Svalina , Zrinka Šimunović

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how higher secondary music school students experience teaching, programs, and educational processes in mus.


The purpose of this paper is to investigate how higher secondary music school students experience teaching, programs, and educational processes in music schools, which are the shortcomings and what are the suggestions for improving the system. The results show high satisfaction with attending music school related to the purpose of future professional orientation. Students see improvements in choosing more modern teaching topics, greater connection with practice, more time for student creativity, and work on improving teachers’ pedagogical skills. The results of this research could be used to accelerate the introduction of curriculum teaching and the National Curriculum for Art Education as a relevant document in music schools in the Republic of Croatia. Also, regardless of the inertia of the educational system, teachers can plan their teaching according to these results that will reconcile their ideas, methodological and didactic laws, and student expectations to contribute to greater motivation of their students.

Keywords: Music education, music schools, music school students, teachers.

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