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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'economics education' Search Results


This study mainly aims to determine the effect of the layered curriculum on the 6th grade students’ learning styles in science lesson. The study group consists of students in the 6/A and 6/D at Fevzi Cakmak Secondary School in the city center of Siirt-Turkey in the academic year of 2015-2016. “Learning Styles Inventory” developed by Kolb and translated into Turkish by Askar and Akkoyunlu, diaries of students and semi-structured interview form developed by researchers and examination of the documents were used as data collection tools. As for data analysis, percent (%) and chi-square techniques were used to determine the learning styles of students, but in the analysis of students’ opinions the descriptive analysis was used. During the study, students were also asked to express their experiences and considerations about learning activities via a diary. The thoughts and feelings reflected in the diaries of students were directly quoted in findings. As a result of the analysis, in pre-test results of the students in the experimental group exposed to the layered curriculum, a significant difference was found in terms of gender; however, no significant difference was found in their post-test results.

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Pages: 141-152
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This research aims to combine the results of the studies conducted  in educational organizations between the years 2008-2018 that investigated correlation between organizational trust, and organizational support, organizational citizenship, organizational justice, organizational commitment, mobbing, organizational silence, job satisfaction, organizational cynicism and ethical leadership and obtain an overall result. Within this scope, meta-analytic method was used in the study. A literature review was performed by using the concepts "trust" and "organizational trust".  A total of 43 independent studies were incorporated into the research by considering the selection criteria determined by the researcher. The total sample size (teacher, academician and school administrator) is 22859. The studies included in the research were analyzed according to random effects model (REM). According to the results of the analysis, there is a high positive correlation between organizational trust, organizational justice [r = .70] and ethical leadership [r = .82]; a moderate positive correlation between organizational trust and organizational commitment [r = .51], organizational support [r = .57], organizational citizenship [r = .43] and job satisfaction [r = .61]. In addition, there was a moderate negative correlation between organizational trust, organizational cynicism [r = -.62] and organizational silence [r = -.30]; and also a low negative correlation between organizational trust and mobbing [r = -.24]. Based on these findings, the high level of organizational justice, organizational support and ethical leadership perceptions of the education stakeholders increase level of organizational trust; whereas the high level of organizational trust increases their job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational commitment, and reduces organizational cynicism and organizational silence perceptions. In addition, employees' exposure to mobbing causes a decrease in organizational trust levels.

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Pages: 287-302
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Understanding the structure of energy literacy is of importance to provide an effective energy education. This article reports the difference in attributes of energy literacy by applying the energy literacy structural model proposed in our previous study through lower secondary school students in Thailand (N = 635) and Japan (N = 1070). Results indicated that Thai students scored higher than those of Japan except the basic energy knowledge and awareness of consequences. On the other hand, the amount of basic energy knowledge did not affect to increase the entire energy literacy of Japanese students. Moreover, mean values of Japan tended to decrease with the school year progression. The energy literacy model was able to support our previous outcome that the awareness of consequences plays a critical role to link between basic energy knowledge and energy-saving behavior. The social expectations or pressures may affect the structure of energy literacy of Thai students. This study suggested that the energy education required in Thailand is to enable students to derive solutions by their own critical thinking based on knowledge relevant to the energy and environmental issues. While, for Japan, it may be necessary to implement energy education as early as possible to enhance students’ awareness of consequences in an appropriate manner incorporating with family participation and visiting energy-related facility. These findings contribute the development of energy education for improving energy literacy in an effective manner.  

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Pages: 183-201
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In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between prospective teachers' occupational anxiety and technological pedagogical content knowledge. Correlational model was used in this study. The participants consisted of 481 prospective teachers studying at Sakarya University Faculty of Education in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (TPACKS) and Occupational Anxiety Scale (OAS) were used as data collection instruments. As a result of canonical correlation analysis, it was determined that technological pedagogical content knowledge affects occupational anxiety by 62%.

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Pages: 407-420
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In the field of education, globally, teachers are recognised as important contributors in shaping learners’ interaction in a cooperative learning environment through effective lesson planning. There is a plethora of research conducted internally on lesson planning, as a critical instructional competency for good teaching and as a purposeful activity that precedes the delivery of instruction. This study aimed to explore Life Orientation teachers’ lesson planning incorporating a cooperative teaching and learning approach in secondary schools in De Aar, South Africa. The researchers adopted a mixed-methods phenomenological research design. Seven Grade 10 Life Orientation teachers were purposely selected to collect semi-structured interviews data, non-participatory observation, and document analysis. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis and supported with the literature review and the theory underpinning this study. This paper suggests an enactment between teachers’ subject and pedagogical content knowledge and instructional material. Lastly, it is also evident that many teachers lack knowledge, insufficient instructional resources, and an understanding of effective lesson planning to implement a cooperative teaching approach.

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Pages: 373-386
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Developing Competency Evaluation of Pre-service Science Teachers in Industrial Revolution 4.0: Revealing Pedagogic and Professional Competencies

industrial revolution rasch model teacher competence test development

Endang Susantini , Badrun Kartowagiran , Syukrul Hamdi , Samsul Hadi , Amat Jaedun , I Gede Astra Wesnawa , Dadang Sunendar , Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo


This study aimed to develop an instrument to assess science teacher candidates’ professional and pedagogical competence in the Industrial revolution 4.0. The instrument consisted of 30 questions and was used in the main study, which was analyzed using the Rasch model to unravel the reliability and empirical validity. The questions were developed based on a predetermined grid including the skills and literacy aspects used in the industrial revolution 4.0. The 30 revised questions were then tested on 60 students of Science Education at two State universities in Indonesia who were in their third year of study times. The Rasch model was employed to test its reliability and empirical validity that included Wright map analysis, item difficulty level, distractor analysis, and item suitability with the Rasch model. The results showed that the reliability value of the professional aspect was .95 and classified as an excellent category. Moreover, the pedagogic aspect obtained .93 and was classified as a very good category. Only one question was the most difficult and did not fit the Rasch model, while the others already fitted. This reliable and valid instrument is suggested to be useful in assessing pre-service science teachers’ competence.

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Pages: 347-362
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A Literature Review of the Project-based Teaching Method in the Education of Vietnam

education project-based teaching teaching method vietnam

Ca-Nguyen Duc , Phuong-Ngo Thi , Thang-Ngoc Hoang , Thuy-Nguyen Thi Thanh , Thang-Nguyen The


The teaching method is one of the main aspects to make a huge contribution to the success of any education system, and project-based teaching (PBL) is an important aspect to contribute to the success of education also. This research was conducted through a review of project-based teaching that has been used in the education system of Vietnam, including a sample, and setting that included imperial and theoretical literature selected from the fields of education. Findings show that this method has been applied to various sectors of education, from kindergarten education to higher education, in many disciplines and subjects, in schools and educational settings, and has become more widely popular than ever. This method, however, has its drawbacks because it takes time to master and teachers need more skills to manage the learning atmosphere. This method has been commonly accepted as one that can help teachers and learners understand more and get more benefits in the learning and teaching process.

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Pages: 567-584
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This study aims to develop a schoolpreneur model appropriate for Malaysia's secondary school environment. The current study surveyed students participating in the Program Tunas Commerce (PROTUNe) and the Young Entrepreneurs Association (PUM) in the states of Perak, Selangor, and Negeri Sembilan to accomplish these purposes. A survey-based technique was used to collect data, and 400 students participated. With a cross-sectional research design, this research uses a quantitative research methodology. This research employed exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) for statistical analysis. The study's findings show that six highlighted factors can be incorporated to develop a schoolpreneur model. These factors all significantly affect the schoolpreneur model. A significant correlation of the schoolpreneur model of more than 60% indicates the significance of talent skills, mentors, incubators, individual personality, role models, and family background in the development of the schoolpreneur model. As a result, secondary schools can conduct entrepreneurial activities better due to the development of the schoolpreneur model.

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Pages: 197-214
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Education for sustainable development (ESD) refers to education on the values and behaviors necessary for a sustainable future and society where everyone receives high-quality benefits. In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, convergence thinking is emphasized as a method of ESD. Therefore, this study aims to derive a model for developing open convergence subjects for ESD. The idea for this model was derived by combining the process of establishing a Convergence Department at Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain and the unit activities of Kyoto University in Japan. The challenges of failing to achieve the original goal and purpose of convergence due to emphasizing specific majors were solved by defining requirements for the model. Convergence subjects that meet the requirements are developed by following the order of the proposed model. In the future, a convergence subject pilot model will be applied using the proposed model to present and operate a course development process called “technology and future are seen through the window of currency”.

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Pages: 249-259
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The Influence of Teacher Efficacy on Education Quality: A Meta-Analysis

education quality meta-analysis study teacher efficacy

Ratna Hidayah , Muhammad Nur Wangid , Wuri Wuryandani , Moh Salimi


This research aims to prove the influence of teacher efficacy on learning quality with quantitative meta-analysis. The eligibility criteria in this study include: (a) The publication can be searched in Google Scholar, ERIC, DOAJ, Research Gate, and or ScienceDirect; (b) The publication is indexed in Scopus, WoS, SINTA (a portal indexing journal managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, equivalent to DOAJ and Index Copernicus), DOAJ, Index Copernicus, and at least they must be indexed in Google Scholar; (c) The topic of the studies must be relevant; (d) The studies must be carried out in the 2014-2023 year range; (e) The publication must have a value of (r), (t) or (F); (f) The studies have a magnitude of N ≥ 20. This study used the JASP application for data analysis. The results showed that: (a) the 40 studies analyzed were heterogeneous and normally distributed; (b) the influence of teacher efficacy on education quality is classified as strong (p < 0.05; rRE = 0.800); (c) publication bias was not detected. This study concluded that teacher efficacy has a strong influence on education quality.

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Pages: 435-450
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Active learning (AL) techniques invite students to participate actively, either physically or mentally, in the learning process so that they can change their behavior efficiently to achieve great achievement. Still, there is insufficient knowledge concerning the dimensions of AL techniques for business subjects of secondary school students in Malaysia. Thus, the research’s goal is to assist in the determination of the instruments’ reliability to measure the AL techniques measurement scale for business subjects’ students using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) as well as reliability analysis. Moreover, this research conducted a self-administered survey among secondary school students who have taken business subjects as their elective subjects. From secondary schools in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, 123 respondents were randomly chosen for the sample. To measure the AL constructs, the study retained 30 items developed because no items have been omitted since the factor loading turned out higher than the 0.50 cut-off point and was used as a tool for data collection. Essentially, this research empirically validates the dimension which helps lead to AL techniques in business subjects that are improved, and the findings are particularly beneficial to secondary school students in Malaysia.

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Pages: 671-684
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Knowledge-based economy is an economic model students need to be prepared for a future economic model that uses knowledge as its main resource. Therefore, this study developed and validated instruments for constructing knowledge-based economy readiness among undergraduate students. This study used an online questionnaire with 120 respondents of economic education students in educational universities in East Java, Indonesia, for exploratory factor analysis and 417 respondents for confirmatory factor analysis. Then, statistical analysis was conducted using exploratory factor analysis in SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS. This study first developed five factors of knowledge of economics, readiness for economic challenges, readiness for education, readiness for infrastructure, and readiness for innovation, consisting of 27 items. However, one item was removed because the loading factor was below .50. Consequently, 26 items were retained because the loading factor was significantly greater than .50. The Cronbach's alpha value for each item of the knowledge-based economy readiness construct was >.60 and met all goodness of fit index criteria, which means that it meets the requirements and can measure the construct of knowledge-based economy readiness. Since this study meets the validity and reliability requirements of the constructs leading to knowledge-based economy readiness, these results will help students prepare for the current and future knowledge-based economy. They can be used in developing economic education curricula in higher education.

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Pages: 697-710
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Mathematical modeling offers a promising approach to improving mathematics education. This study aims to determine if the concept of metacognitive awareness in the learning process is associated with mathematical modeling. This study also considers the interaction effect of sex and academic year level on both variables. Focusing the study on preservice elementary teachers might address potential issues and targeted intervention in their preparation program concerning their ability to teach and guide young learners in modeling activities. The research sample includes 140 preservice elementary teachers at Central Luzon State University, Philippines. Data collection used an adapted metacognitive awareness inventory and a validated researcher-made mathematical modeling competency test aligned with the K-12 mathematics curriculum in the Philippines. Results revealed that the preservice elementary teachers had a high metacognitive awareness and mathematical modeling competency, ranging from 22 to 31 out of 36 points. Besides, Factorial ANOVA indicates that academic year level positively affects both variables regardless of sex, and stepwise regression analysis unveiled that information management, declarative knowledge, and planning significantly predict 41.4% of the mathematical modeling competency variance. This suggests that developing metacognitive awareness supports preservice elementary teachers in performing modeling tasks that improve their competency level in mathematics.

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Pages: 279-292
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The 21st century marks a world where scientific, humanistic, technological, and societal issues are integrated. The complexity caused by the reciprocal effects among technology, engineering, cultural, and social values raises new ethical problems. This study addresses recent increased attention to the relationship between ethical awareness and engineering identity factors. Participants in this study were 246 undergraduate engineering students enrolled in a research university located in the northeast U.S. Bivariate correlation and ordinary least squares regression were conducted. Bivariate correlations showed that ethical awareness was positively correlated to engineering interest, engineering recognition, and engineering performance/competence, which are the three factors of engineering identity. The OLS regression showed the r2 value for the computed regression equation indicated that there was a non-zero relationship between the set of all independent variables (engineering identity factors, gender, ethnicity, years in school, and first-generation status) and the dependent (ethical awareness) and that the final set of independent variables accounted for approximately 22% of the variation in the dependent variable, Ethical Awareness. Undergraduate engineering education is a key to ensuring engineers will uphold the ethical values of the profession. This study contributes to the practical value of engineering ethics awareness by affirming that engineering identity is sound and should be applied in practice.

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Pages: 397-412
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