'fraction problem-solving' Search Results
Examining Mathematics Classroom Interactions: Elevating Student Roles in Teaching and Learning
problem posing responsive teaching identity mathematics teaching and learning...
This article introduces a model entitled, “Responsive Teaching through Problem Posing” or RTPP, that addresses a type of reform oriented mathematics teaching based on posing relevant problems, positioning students as experts of mathematics, and facilitating discourse. RTPP incorporates decades of research on students’ thinking in mathematics and more recent research on responsive teaching practices. Two classroom case studies are presented. A high school unit on functions is explored utilizing individual research on the part of the teacher to enact RTPP lessons. A middle school teacher enacts a RTPP lesson on proportions and utilizes this model to bridge students’ incorrect additive reasoning strategies with correct multiplicative reasoning strategies. The results showed that both teachers were able to elevate students’ roles in classroom discussions through implementation of RTPP. Individual research conducted by the high school teacher informed his RTPP approach while participation in professional development sessions with a classroom embedded component influenced the middle school teacher’s enactment of RTPP lessons. Both teachers used specific teacher moves within RTPP to relinquish their role as mathematics experts in order to elevate their students’ roles in classroom discussions. The RTPP cycle is offered as a potential model for studying mathematics teaching and learning across a variety of secondary mathematics classrooms.
Analysis of the Problems Posed by Pre-Service Primary School Teachers in Terms of Type, Cognitive Structure and Content Knowledge
problem-posing problem types content knowledge cognitive structure pre-service primary school teachers...
In the current study, the problems posed by pre-service primary school teachers within the context of semi-structured problem formation were analyzed according to their type, cognitive structure, and content knowledge. A total of 134 pre-service primary school teachers attending a state university in Turkey participated in the current study designed in line with the case study design. The pre-service teachers were presented with a table and they were asked to establish a problem suitable for the elementary level using the data given in the table. The data were collected through the established problem statements and written explanations of the participants. The collected data were analyzed by using both content and descriptive analyses. The findings have revealed that the pre-service teachers less preferred real-life problems than routine type of problems and the problems at the level of reasoning than the problems at the levels of knowing and applying. Moreover, nearly half of the pre-service teachers erroneously expressed the grade level for which they established their problem. The results have shown that the pre-service teachers do not adequately use real-life problems and problems at the level of reasoning and that there are deficiencies in their mathematical content knowledge depending on their knowledge of the curriculum.
Exploration of Student Learning Obstacles in Solving Fraction Problems in Elementary School
elementary school epistemological obstacles fraction problem-solving learning obstacles...
This research aims to explore students' learning obstacles in solving fraction problems in elementary school. This qualitative research used a case study method. The research subjects involved 30 third-grade elementary school students from two different schools in Bandung City, Indonesia. The instruments utilized were test and non-test. The test technique was done by giving fractional material questions, while the non-test technique was in the form of interviews. The data collected were then analyzed employing the three stages of the Miles and Huberman model, including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The study findings revealed that students experienced epistemological obstacles, where students experienced limited knowledge, ranging from the basic concepts of fractions, fractional arithmetic operations, and fraction problem-solving. Based on these findings, teachers can construct learning designs with appropriate didactic situations as a follow-up to minimize the occurrence of similar learning obstacles in future fractional learning materials.
Effects of Worksheets on Problem-Solving Skills: Meta-Analytic Studies
effect meta-analytic problem-solving skill worksheet...
The purpose of this study was to compile and statistically analyze the results of research studies that examined students' problem-solving skills in worksheets. The research method used was a meta-analysis. The study search was conducted from 2013 to 2022 in Google Scholar and the Garuda portal databases. The search yielded 40 studies that met the inclusion criteria for extraction from research and development, experimental, and quasi-experimental. From the extracted results, 45 comparisons of data were examined. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the effect size of the problem-solving worksheet. This study yielded a value of 1.281 for the entire study, indicating that the worksheet had a significant and positive impact on students' problem-solving skills. The results indicate the need to develop worksheets to improve students' problem-solving skills.
Proportional and Non-Proportional Situation: How to Make Sense of Them
characteristics of mathematics teachers non-proportional situations proportional situations...
Teacher knowledge is one of the main factors in the quality of mathematics learning. Many mathematics teachers have difficulty using proportional reasoning. Proportional reasoning is one of the essential aspects of the middle school mathematics curriculum to develop students' mathematical thinking. Teachers should realize that developing proportional reasoning is not an easy task. In this study, we investigated how teachers give proportional reasoning about the concept of proportional and non-proportional situations, especially in making sense of them. The research subjects were mathematics teachers who had taught proportional-related material. Data was collected using task-based interviews outside the teacher's working hours. Data analysis and interpretation were completed using a framework meaning-based approach. The results of the data analysis showed that the teacher is careful in understanding information, is aware of multiple meanings, and knows key information in understanding the contextual structure of proportional and non-proportional situations. Furthermore, they are also able to identify additive and multiplication relationships, have flexibility in understanding proportional and non-proportional situations separately or collectively, and understand problem-solving systematics in detail.