'gersmehl spatial learning' Search Results
The Effect of Gersmehl’s Spatial Learning on Students’ Disaster Spatial Literacy
disaster gersmehl spatial learning spatial literacy...
Learning geography in Indonesia philosophically aims to develop spatial literacy. Students must improve spatial literacy to form reasoning skills and apply spatial concepts in real life. Applying Gersmehl's spatial learning can improve students' spatial literacy through syntax arranged based on spatial aspects. The use of google earth helps students to complete case studies of disaster mitigation materials without the need to go directly to the field. This quasi-experimental research refers to the posttest-only control group design by comparing the posttest of spatial literacy in the experimental and control classes. This study involved students of class XI IPS SMAN 1 Blitar City. The instrument is a five-point description test based on indicators of spatial literacy in disaster mitigation materials standardized with validity and reliability tests. The research data were analyzed using normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis tests. The data tested were in the form of posttest scores for spatial literacy in the experimental and control classes. The results of Gersmehl's spatial learning influence spatial literacy. The use of LKPD bridges the implementation of spatial learning syntax with Google Earth as a geospatial medium. The implementation of syntax in spatial learning is interrelated with spatial literacy indicators, thereby increasing students' spatial literacy based on experience and spatial recognition.