'higher education international students' Search Results
Analysis of the Science Course Curriculum Objectives and High School Entrance Examination Questions According to TIMSS Framework
timss high school entrance examination science curriculum cognitive domain content domain...
The aim of this study is to compare 2018 Science Course Curriculum (SCC), 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and 2018 High School Entrance Examination (HSE) in terms of content domains, cognitive domains and learning objectives. Qualitative research method, was used in this study. Data were analyzed using document review matrices to determine the similarities and differences between the objectives of SCC, TIMSS and HSE. SCC outcomes and HSE science questions were also classified according to TIMSS cognitive domains. Results show that the learning objectives of the fields of Physics, Biology and Earth Sciences of TIMSS are compatible with those of all grade levels of SCC and that the objectives of Chemistry are compatible with those of the seventh and eighth grades. Most of HSE questions are compatible with the objectives of SCC, however, the latest revision in the curriculum has introduced some eighth grade objectives to other grade levels. HSE science questions measure higher-level skills than TIMSS science questions. The subject domain of the “Organisms and Life” of SCC has the most learning objectives in the levels of “knowing” and “reasoning” while the subject domain of the “Physical Events” has the most learning objectives in the levels of “applying.” Besides, the seventh-, fifth- and eighth-graders have the most objectives in the levels of “knowing,” “applying,” and “reasoning,” respectively. It is hoped that the results will contribute the literature in improvement of science curricula and interpretation of national and international exams.
Conceptualization, Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Learners’ Perceptions of their Active Learning Strategies within an Active Learning Context
active learning instrument development engagement cognitive processing orientation to learning...
This study describes the development and validation of a psychometrically-sound instrument, the Active Learning Strategies Inventory (ALSI), designed to measure learners’ perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. Active learning encompasses a broad range of pedagogical practices and instructional methods that connect with an individual learner's active learning strategies. In order to fulfill the study's goals, a conceptual framework on learners’ active learning strategies was developed and proposed, drawing upon the research literature on active learning. The development and construct validation of the Active Learning Strategies Inventory (ALSI), based on the conceptual and methodological underpinnings, involved identifying five scales of learners’ active learning strategies: engagement, cognitive processing, orientation to learning, readiness to learn and motivational orientation. An item pool of 20 items was generated following an extensive review of the literature, standardized card sorting procedures including confirmatory factor analysis and scale validation of a pilot (n = 407) survey. The ALSI scale demonstrated strong internal consistency and reliability with a Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.81 to 0.87. High item loading scores from the factor analysis provided initial support for the instrument's construct validity of the five-factor model. The ALSI scale provides a reliable and valid method for researchers and academicians who wish to measure learners' perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. Finally, we discuss the implications and address the limitations and directions for future research.
The Relationship between Resilience and Distress Tolerance in College Students: The Mediator Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation
resilience distress tolerance cognitive flexibility difficulties in emotion regulation...
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediator role of cognitive flexibility and difficulties in emotion regulation in the relationship between resilience and distress tolerance amongst college students. The sample of the study involved 1114 students (771 females, 343 males) from various universities in Turkey. The mean age of the sample was 20.65 (Sd=2.77). The Resilience Scale, Distress Tolerance Scale, Cognitive Flexibility Scale, and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) had been used to collect data. In this study, a Serial Multiple Mediation Model was used, as proposed by Hayes. The findings showed that people with a higher level of distress tolerance possess higher degrees of cognitive flexibility and that cognitively more flexible individuals experience less difficulty in emotion regulation, and thus, lower levels of difficulty in emotion regulation were associated with an increase in resilience. Furthermore, the model in its entirety had proven to be statistically significant, accounting for 42% of the total variance.
Taiwanese University Students’ Ideal L2 Selves and Autonomy: Does High School Program Make a Difference?
motivation autonomy l2 motivational self system taiwanese learners...
There has been an increased interest in L2 learners’ motivation and autonomy over the past several decades, and both variables are recognized as characteristics of successful language learners. The L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) is a recent approach to L2 motivation research that sheds light on many aspects of a language learners’ self. Additionally, autonomy is known to promote long-term foreign language learning success. Understanding these measures and what variables influence them can help educators determine how to best help their students achieve success in language learning. This study examines Taiwanese university students’ ideal L2 selves and autonomy as measured on questionnaires. This study seeks to examine whether any differences exist between Taiwanese students who attended normal, comprehensive, or vocational high school programs in Taiwan. The results show that while differences exist and several of the L2MSS and autonomy variables are strongly correlated, there are no significant differences between students in these three groups. The results suggest that there may be other variables not measured in this study which do have an impact on a learners’ L2MSS and/or autonomy.
Xenophobia among University Students: Its Relationship with Five Factor Model and Dark Triad Personality Traits
five-factor personality dark triad xenophobia...
Xenophobia, being hostile to foreigners and feeling fear of them, is considered as hating and having prejudices against the people of other nations. It is noticed that with the increase of migration movements on a global scale in recent years, xenophobia has become one of the more critical subjects in the scientific world. Determining the relationships between xenophobic attitudes and personal traits is considered as one of the important steps in developing relationships especially among people from different cultures. By detecting positive personality traits and negative personality traits associated with xenophobia, interpersonal relationships can be developed. Accordingly, in the current study, it is aimed to determine the relationships between xenophobia and personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, and Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy). For this purpose, data were collected from 422 (342 females, 80 males) university students via the data collection tools, which are “Xenophobia Scale”, “Adjectives Based Personality Test” and “Dirty Dozen Scale”. The data were analyzed by stepwise regression technique. As a result of the analyzes, it has been observed that agreeableness, which is among the five-factor personality traits, and psychopathy and narcissism, which are among the dark triad-personality traits predicted xenophobia significantly. Accordingly, it was determined that the agreeable people had lower levels of xenophobic attitudes. Psychopathy and narcissism personality traits have been observed to lead to higher levels of xenophobic attitudes.
School and Home as Study Spaces: Attitudes of Teachers, Parents, and Students to E-learning During the COVID-19 Period: The Case of Israel
covid-19 period e-learning social-emotional study spaces...
During the period of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the boundaries between the home and the school as study spaces were blurred. School studies entered the home, with the parents present and observing their children’s e-lessons and the teachers’ teaching methods. The purpose of the current study was to explore the explicit and implicit attitudes of the lesson partners: teachers, parents, and students, to e-learning. The study explores whether and to what degree the attitudes of teachers, students, and parents to e-teaching are compatible, and what are the implications for the future. The study shows that although in recent years the relationships between parents and the school and between teachers and students have waned, with regard to the separation of authorities between the home and school, the period of the COVID-19 crisis clarified the need to enhance the relationship and cooperation between the home and the school as two meaningful study spaces for independent learners. The research findings raise the paradox that not only does technology not increase the distance rather it has the potential to strengthen the relationships between parents, teachers, and the school. The study points to the need to prepare holistic guidance sessions and professional development courses.
Expectations and Level of Satisfaction of University Students from the Higher Education System
higher education profession students’ expectations university students...
This study aims to determine the expectations of university students on the part of the Higher Education System and to what extent these expectations are met. Phenomenological approach, which is counted among qualitative research models, was utilized as the research model. The data obtained from student interviews were analyzed by content analysis. Findings were presented as themes and categories. The research participants consist of 21 students studying at different universities and programs in the 2020-2021 academic year. This study ascertained that the opinions of participating students in terms of themes, categories and codes and their satisfaction levels vary depending on the university they attend. Students expect from the Higher Education System that it enables them to get to their dream job, curricula and materials based on their needs, qualified lecturers, a foreign language education, academic freedom, a democratic environment, equal opportunities in education, an substructure, socio-cultural and physical-material opportunities, international interaction, practice-oriented opportunities for training/internship and participation in administration. The faculty or program choice is highly determined by the condition of a country, the gained scores in the central examination system, surroundings, offered orientation assistances in secondary education, the quality-perceptions of students related to universities, acquisition of employment and the sufficiency of universities to acquire a profession. Findings of this research made clear, that the level of The Higher Education System responding to the expectations of the students differs according to the possibilities of universities.
Scale of Attitudes Towards Online Formative Assessment: Teacher’ Attitudes during COVID-19 Pandemic
covid-19 pandemic formative assessment online assessment scale development teacher attitude...
Due to the pandemic in many countries, schools were closed in 2020. Therefore, education was suspended, and distance education was started. During the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, teachers gave lessons online in virtual classrooms. In this study, Scale of Attitudes Towards Online Formative Assessment (S-AOFA) for teachers conducting online and distance courses was developed, and the teachers' attitudes were examined with respect to demographic variables. In the study conducted in the mixed-design method, qualitative and quantitative data were collected for the scale development and survey. Data were obtained from 369 teachers (science teacher, mathematics teacher, classroom teacher, and teachers in other fields) working in school in Turkey. S-AOFA was made up of 20 items and two factors as a five-point Likert-type. When the teachers' attitudes towards online formative assessment (AOFA) was examined, it was found that the mean for the factor of "Assessment Systems" was lower than that of the "Assessment Approaches". In addition, the findings revealed that there was no significant difference in the teachers' AOFA in terms of gender and that no significant difference existed in AOFA with respect to the school levels of the teachers (elementary, secondary and high school). Moreover, the results demonstrated that there was a low negative significant relationship between the teachers' AOFA and the number of students in which virtual lessons were given online. Lastly, there was a low level positive significant relationship between the teachers' AOFA and the in-class participation percentages of the students who were taught online in virtual classrooms. S-AOFA could be used by researchers in different studies in future.
International Students' Experiences of Content Language Integrated Learning in a Korean University: Focusing on Korean as a Medium of Instruction
content-language integrated learning higher education international students korean as a medium of instruction...
This study explores international graduate students' experiences of content-language integrated learning (CLIL) at a university in Korea. This study focuses on a course that allows international students to simultaneously learn the Korean language and content knowledge. Korean as a medium of instruction (KMI) was applied to 16 international graduate students in two graduate courses during the 2021 Fall semester. The survey examines the perception and satisfaction of students' experiences in the KMI classes. Among survey participants, interview applicants were selected for in-depth interviews. Study results showed that international graduate students developed content knowledge through KMI classes. They also improved their Korean language ability. Overall, international students were generally satisfied with KMI classes. However, it is difficult for international students to dramatically enhance their Korean academic proficiency within one semester. Recommendations are provided on effectively conducting CLIL classes, such as KMI for international students in higher education.
Overcoming Vocabulary-Related Anxieties in Students When Communicating in the Media Internationally
communication in the media cross-cultural communication higher education l2 learning vocabulary-related anxieties...
The purpose of the study was to identify how the designed instructional model moderated the vocabulary-related anxieties in students when they communicated in the media internationally. The methodological approach used in the study was aimed at controlling and manipulating variables which were as follows: The level of vocabulary anxiety related to communication in the media, cultural intelligence, and English vocabulary level. The study relied on quantitative and qualitative methods to gather the experimental data and answer the research questions. Insufficient vocabulary was found to be one of the key factors of anxieties in students when they communicated in the media internationally. The major sub-factors of the vocabulary-related anxieties in the students when they communicated in the media internationally (as perceived by the respondents) were spontaneous interaction with the native speakers, guessing the meaning of the words from the context, and paraphrasing ideas using synonyms. The instructional-purpose use of the predesigned vocabulary lists, learning them using the Telegram bot, talking to the foreign speakers in the media, self-analysis, and analysis by peers were proven to be capable to moderate the vocabulary-related anxieties in students when they communicate in the media with the foreign speakers.
Understanding International Students' Learning Experiences of English as a Medium of Instruction Courses
english as a medium of instruction english language learners higher education international graduate students...
This study aims to understand international students' learning experiences in English as a medium of instruction (EMI) courses in a private Korean university. By using mixed-method research, this study collected two data sources, including 1) an online survey (n=46) and 2) an individual in-depth interview (n=4) at the end of the 2022 Spring semester. The study results are summarized as follows. First, EMI courses could enhance international students' content knowledge development effectively. Second, EMI courses could improve international students' English proficiency in terms of reading and vocabulary ability. Third, international students showed high satisfaction with EMI courses and are willing to take EMI courses continuously. However, the interview analysis showed that it was challenging for a few international students to improve their English speaking ability due to limited opportunities to speak English during graduate-level courses. These study results suggest several recommendations to provide practical EMI courses for teaching diverse international students, including English language learners in higher education.
Best Practices of Fostering Undergraduates’ Cross-Cultural Competence Involving Training Them in Foreign Languages: Systemic Review
cross-cultural competence foreign languages training higher education instructional approaches systemic review...
The purpose of the study was to identify and categorise the criteria-specified instructional approaches to fostering undergraduates’ cross-cultural skills involving training them in foreign languages and to evaluate their effectiveness and feasibility. It was a systemic review of the effectiveness type. The descriptive content analysis was used as a methodology within the study to analyse the relevant short-listed sources. The triangular assessment method (TAM) was applied by instructors from Ukraine to rate each approach’s/programme/course’s potential effectiveness and/or feasibility for the context of higher education in Ukraine. This review identified potentially effective and feasible approaches/programmes/courses that can be converged to produce more efficient instructional models for fostering undergraduates’ cross-cultural skills. The selected approaches or courses or programmes could be categorised as technology-driven approaches, approaches based on classroom activities or using specific instruction models, psychological effect-driven approaches, and combined or converged approaches. The use of technology-driven approaches seems to be the emerging instructional trend specifically in training students’ cross-cultural skills.
Game-Based Learning in Higher Education: The Pedagogical Effect of Genially Games in English as a Foreign Language Instruction
efl teaching game-based learning genially grammar vocabulary...
This study aimed to analyze the effect of game-based learning (GBL) through the use of Genially in English as a foreign language (EFL) online instruction. The participants were 61 EFL undergraduate students, who were distributed into an experimental group (32 students), and a control group (29 students). Their ages ranged from 22 to 56 years old, and their English proficiency level was B1, according to the Common European Framework of References (CEFR). The students were enrolled in two pre-intermediate courses that are part of an EFL Teaching program at a private university in southern Ecuador. The courses were delivered in an online remote learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study followed a quasi-experimental approach and it took place over a sixteen-week period. The instruments included a diagnostic survey, a pre-test, a post-test, a students’ perceptions survey, and a semi-structured interview. The main findings revealed that Genially games have the potential to enhance EFL learners’ academic performance in online instruction, particularly in aspects related to students’ knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in context. Besides, it was found that according to students’ perceptions, the implementation of games based on their real learning needs increases their motivation, especially when feedback is effectively provided.
Involvement of Teachers, Parents, and School Committees in Improving Scientific Attitudes of Elementary School Students: Application of Rasch Model Analysis
parents rasch model scientific attitude school committee teachers...
This research analyzed the involvement of teachers, parents, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes in science learning using Rasch model analysis. A survey method was used in this quantitative study. Participants in the study were selected using a purposive sample of 174 teachers, parents, and school committees in Sleman and Kebumen Regencies, Indonesia. A questionnaire was used in data collection to determine the involvement of teachers, parents, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes toward science learning. The questionnaires were completed using a Likert scale of 1-4, and the data were then analyzed using the Rasch model. The result showed that all participants were the average logit items (+1.03 logit). The reliability was 0.89, indicating a positive response to improving students' scientific attitudes. The results of the Rasch model analysis suggested that the involvement of parents, teachers, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes differed according to their roles. Each instrument element was analyzed in more detail in the Rasch model. Participants' roles were reflected in the specific involvements of teachers in learning, parents at home with children, and school committees participating in school policy-making.
Factor Structure and Dimensionality of an Instrument designed to Measure the Metacognitive Orientation of Thai Science Classroom Learning Environments
classroom learning environments metacognition science education...
The purpose of this study was to establish the factor structure and dimensionality of the Metacognitive Orientation Learning Environment Scale – Science (MOLES-S) in the Thai context. The metacognitive orientation of a science classroom learning environment is defined as the extent to which psychosocial conditions that are known to enhance students’ metacognition are evident in a specific science classroom. This study builds on earlier work in the research areas of science education, metacognition, and learning environments. A sample of 5418 Thai science students in grades 10 to 12, from 40 schools across Thailand, completed the MOLES-S that had been translated into Thai. Exploratory factor analysis was undertaken and Rasch analysis was used to calibrate the scale and explore its dimensionality. The results suggest that the MOLES-S(T), where (T) represents Thailand, has the same factor structure as the original MOLES-S, is reliable, and can be used with confidence in research into metacognition in Thai high school science classrooms.
Effects of Worksheets on Problem-Solving Skills: Meta-Analytic Studies
effect meta-analytic problem-solving skill worksheet...
The purpose of this study was to compile and statistically analyze the results of research studies that examined students' problem-solving skills in worksheets. The research method used was a meta-analysis. The study search was conducted from 2013 to 2022 in Google Scholar and the Garuda portal databases. The search yielded 40 studies that met the inclusion criteria for extraction from research and development, experimental, and quasi-experimental. From the extracted results, 45 comparisons of data were examined. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the effect size of the problem-solving worksheet. This study yielded a value of 1.281 for the entire study, indicating that the worksheet had a significant and positive impact on students' problem-solving skills. The results indicate the need to develop worksheets to improve students' problem-solving skills.
Gen Z Students Perception of Ideal Learning in Post-Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study From Indonesia
generation z ideal teaching post-pandemic learning...
This study aims to investigate the perceptions of Generation Z students about ideal learning after the pandemic in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. There were 30 students from 6 different campuses in Serang City, Banten, Indonesia, who used a purposive sampling technique as research participants. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews, which were then analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The findings of this study state that there are four main themes regarding ideal post-pandemic learning, namely: (a) learning that is not monotonous, (b) equal portions of theory and practice, (c) ideal learning managed by an ideal lecturer, and (d) the need for the application of blended learning. This research contributes to the current literature on designing ideal learning on campus after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Collaborative e-Portfolios Use in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Co-Design Strategy
co-design covid-19 e-portfolio higher education systematic review...
As the globe gradually entered the post-pandemic phase, electronic portfolio practises during the COVID-19 pandemic should be examined for future implementation. During the lockdown, electronic portfolio use was observed in higher education institutions by urging the provision of teaching and learning in a virtual mode. Under these conditions, the study analyses empirical e-portfolio practices and proposes a co-design model for effective e-portfolio implementation. This study is based on a systematic review, which included searching for and retrieving 221 papers from academic paper databases in English, Chinese, and Spanish; systematic screening using the Rayyan tool and the PRISMA model; and finally, extracting 12 publications, which were analysed by VOS Viewer and Nvivo, focusing on collaboration. The data collected allows for gathering several patterns of collaboration in e-portfolio practice. Based on the results obtained, a co-design strategy is suggested, which includes collaborative frameworks in e-portfolio implementation processes such as the community of inquiry (CoI) and community of practice (CoP). The co-design strategy provides the formulation of implementation recommendations related to collaborative e-portfolio. Conclusions reflect on utilising e-portfolios collaboratively in higher education settings by presenting a co-design strategy that is supported by the CoI and CoP frameworks.
Incorporating Multicultural Education Using Multiliteracies Practices in the Extensive Reading Class
extensive reading multicultural education multiliteracies pedagogy...
Multicultural education is expected to improve the frameworks of educational institutions so that students from various ethnic, racial, cultural, and linguistic groups have equal academic accomplishment possibilities. It is essential for English as a foreign language (EFL) learners and teachers in Indonesia since English has its own culture. This research aims to comprehend the practices of multiliteracies in incorporating multicultural education in extensive reading classes. This investigation used a qualitative case study using observation and in-depth interviews to collect data from the lecturer. The results showed that the lecturer incorporated all aspects of multicultural education in multiliteracies practices using a novel. While generating cultural value from students’ life experiences, the researchers discovered content integration, knowledge scaffolding, equity pedagogy, bias degradation, and empowerment of school culture. Multiliteracies practices can serve as an innovative teaching technique to promote multicultural education. Additionally, EFL lecturers need multicultural learning materials to support this and to encourage students to think critically.
Exploring the Integration of the Happy School Model in Vietnamese Higher Education: Insights and Implications from the Perspectives of Tertiary EFL Teachers
happy school model higher education perspectives tertiary efl teachers vietnam...
This qualitative study explored the possibility of implementing the happy school model (HSM) in the context of Vietnamese higher education, with a focus on the socio-cultural perspectives of nine tertiary English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers at different career stages. Through semi-structured interviews, thematic analysis, and theoretical underpinning by constructivist paradigm and humanistic education theory, the study illuminated multifaceted insights. Key themes emerged, including aligning the HSM with holistic student development, recognizing challenges and potential benefits, balancing traditional Confucian values, and adapting the model to Vietnam’s unique socio-cultural and economic landscape. The findings provide valuable guidance for educational innovation in Vietnam, highlighting complexities of aligning a new educational paradigm with existing practices and cultural norms. While the study’s focus on a specific cultural context and limited participant pool presents certain limitations, the insights offer rich contributions to the broader global dialogue on education and human development. Future research directions and practical implications are also discussed, making this study a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and researchers interested in the intersection of universal educational principles and specific cultural contexts like Vietnam.