'reading fluency' Search Results
Enhance Learning through BrainDance Movements: An Empirical Study
brain dance words per minute reading fluency social behavior instructional practices...
The purpose of this study was to compare and associate BrainDance activity to a control group on reading scores as well as social, learning, and negative behavior. A total of 40 students in two classrooms participated in this study. A Likert scale and words per minute reading scores followed by quantitative analysis using a t-test to document and assess students’ behaviors and reading scores. The findings indicated no significant difference in reading fluency, but the BrainDance group improved in four specific areas—focus, use of sense, multiple senses, and restlessness. There were positive correlations of social and learning behaviors, but negative correlations for learning and negative behaviors in addition to social and negative behaviors.
Enhancing Reading Comprehension in First Graders: The Effects of Two Training Programs Provided in Listening or Written Modality
reading comprehension listening comprehension training first-graders vocabulary...
It has been well documented that oral language skills are precursors of the development of written abilities, meaning that improving oral language skills, e.g. vocabulary, listening comprehension, could have positive effects reading comprehension. The main aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of a training program focused on four components of comprehension ability provided in listening or written modality on first-graders’ reading and listening comprehension. The training programs were implemented by school teachers as part of the class’s normal school activities, under the supervision of experts. Their efficacy was compared with the results obtained in a passive control group. Our results showed that both the training programs produced positive effects on listening and reading comprehension (by comparison with a passive control group), and that the gains in reading comprehension were maintained at a five-month follow-up. Findings demonstrated specific improvements in listening comprehension with the listening modality program, as well as an improvement in the modality not directly trained. A similar cross-modality effect was found from the written modality training group, therefore confirming the strict relation between oral and written abilities. Reading comprehension performance of first graders can be improved with activities provided in listening and written modality. Hence, it is possible to enhance reading comprehension even before decoding and fluency in reading are acquired.
An Effective Method in Improving Social Skills: Literature Circles
literature circles social skills elementary school...
This study was carried out to determine the effect of literature circles on the social skills of fourth-grade elementary school students. To this end, the study was designed as a quasi-experimental study and carried out on 74 students in a public elementary school in the Pamukkale district of Denizli, Turkey. The literature circles method was administered to an experimental group for 18 weeks. In the control group, activities continued in line with the current Turkish Course Curriculum. “School Social Behavior Scales” were used as a data collection instrument. A comparison of the scores on the scales revealed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. The results imply that the literature circles method had a positive influence on the development of the students’ social skills.
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Personalized Book Advice Smart Application on Secondary School Students’ Reading Motivation
reading motivation secondary school students kop-kitapp application...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Personalized Book Advice Smart Application on secondary school students’ motivation as well as determining the views of students, teachers, and parents regarding the application. In the research, a mixed method approach, in which quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis methods are used together, was adopted. In the quantitative part, 585 secondary school students, 300 of whom are in the experimental group and 285 in the control group; In the qualitative part, 105 students, 6 teachers and 247 families were included in the research. Similarly, the qualitative of the study involved 105 students, 6 teachers, and 247 parents. In the quantitative part of the research, data collected with the Reading Motivation Scale developed by Durmus. In the qualitative part, the data were collected through a questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using parametric descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. According to the findings obtained from the research, there is a significant difference in reading motivation of secondary school students in terms of post-test scores. It is seen that the students like to read adventure books and think that the books proposed by the application are suitable for their interests. Teachers state that they find the application successful, and they like that the application forms reading habits, and recommends books according to their interests, moreover, the recommended books are suitable for the students’ levels. On the other hand, the teachers think that teacher control is necessary. Additionally, parents state that they like the application because it recommends books according to the children’s interests and those recommended books were suitable for their levels, however, they added that the number of the books needs to be increased.
A High-Stakes Approach to Response Time Effort in Low-Stakes Assessment
accelerated failure time model piaac response time survival analysis...
Response times are one of the important sources that provide information about the performance of individuals during a test process. The main purpose of this study is to show that survival models can be used in educational data. Accordingly, data sets of items measuring literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills of the countries participating in Round 3 of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies were used. Accelerated failure time models have been analyzed for each country and domain. As a result of the analysis of the models in which various covariates are included as independent variables, and response time for giving correct answers is included as a dependent variable, it was found the associations between the covariates and response time for giving correct answers were concluded to vary from one domain to another or from one country to another. The results obtained from the present study have provided the educational stakeholders and practitioners with valuable information.
Reading Trajectories in Elementary Grades: A Longitudinal Analysis
elementary grades growth modeling reading trajectories sociodemographic factors...
Research shows that children's reading proficiency levels in the early grades positively correlate with students' future academic achievement. This study provides the first-ever analysis of reading achievement trajectories for a cohort of students in grades 3 to 5 in 2014–17 in Hawaii schools. Hawaii serves a diverse student population whose characteristics differ in ways often overlooked by standard US racial and ethnic classifications. Our analysis shows that Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students not only start at a lower reading proficiency than their peers in Grade 3, but the achievement gap widens as they move from Grade 3 to Grade 5. Moreover, we find a strong association between students' third-grade performance and reading achievement growth rate above and beyond all other factors in our longitudinal model. The difference in performance patterns between student subgroups across the elementary grades can serve as an accurate baseline for yearly monitoring. In light of our findings, we discuss implications for policy and practice.
Effects of Worksheets on Problem-Solving Skills: Meta-Analytic Studies
effect meta-analytic problem-solving skill worksheet...
The purpose of this study was to compile and statistically analyze the results of research studies that examined students' problem-solving skills in worksheets. The research method used was a meta-analysis. The study search was conducted from 2013 to 2022 in Google Scholar and the Garuda portal databases. The search yielded 40 studies that met the inclusion criteria for extraction from research and development, experimental, and quasi-experimental. From the extracted results, 45 comparisons of data were examined. Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the effect size of the problem-solving worksheet. This study yielded a value of 1.281 for the entire study, indicating that the worksheet had a significant and positive impact on students' problem-solving skills. The results indicate the need to develop worksheets to improve students' problem-solving skills.
Visual Thinking and Reading Comprehension: Foreign Language Setting as an Example
imagery reading sub-skills visual thinking strategy visualization yarmouk university...
This study examines how visual thinking may affect Jordanian female ninth-graders reading abilities. The design had an experimental feel about it. The study included 66 ninth-grade female students who were studying English as a foreign language (EFL). An instructional program was created and put into place, and a pre-post reading exam was created to help the study reach its objective. The results were examined using SPSS. The findings show that there are statistically significant changes in the steps of the visual thinking strategy (VTS) modality between the two groups, with the experimental group benefiting more. VTS has been proven to be a successful strategy for greatly enhancing student attainment of good marks and having an impact on student achievement of course learning outcomes. This study triggered the following reading sub-skills: vocabulary acquisition, imaging, building and activating schema, identifying the main idea and details, questioning, inferring, communicating through oral language, and comprehension. VTS has a real impact on teaching reading sub-skills, which is important for both teachers and curriculum designers. Longitudinal research data is required to further analyze and refine this teaching strategy.
Unveiling the Linguistic Landscape: The Gendered Impacts on Language Learning Strategies for Introverted Learners
gender introverted learners language learning strategies vietnamese english-major students...
This study explores the impact of gender on the preferred English language learning strategies of self-perceived introverted students in Vietnam, given the burgeoning role of English as an international lingua franca. A mixed-methods approach, involving survey questionnaires and follow-up interviews, was utilized to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from a cohort of 68 English major undergraduates, 29 of whom self-identified as introverted via the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The investigation provides a comprehensive understanding of the preferred language learning strategies among introverted learners, and specifically examines how gender influences these strategic choices. The results reveal that gender does not present significant differences in the preferred English language learning strategies of self-perceived introverted individuals. Regardless of gender, introverted language learners demonstrate a tendency towards compensation learning strategies, with specific strategies such as deductive reasoning, organizing physical environs, and error rectification receiving almost identical responses from both male and female participants. These findings suggest that the role of personality traits, such as introversion, should be considered in tailoring pedagogical approaches to meet individual learning preferences and needs. Further research is needed to explore this area in greater depth and to examine its broader implications for English language teaching pedagogy.
Handwriting Skills and Their Role in Text Generation: A Longitudinal Study with Graphonomic Measures
graphonomic measures longitudinal structural equation modeling text generation transcription skills...
This study sought to examine the influence of transcription skills, evaluated using graphonomic measures, on the proficiency of text generation in students attending primary schools in Spain. A longitudinal design was employed involving 278 Spanish students distributed across three cohorts (cohort 1: 1st-2nd-4th grade; cohort 2: 2nd-3rd-5th grade; and cohort 3: 3rd-4th-6th grade). Two data collection points were used to administer the graphonomic measures, and a composition letter task was conducted at the conclusion of the study. Four multigroup structural equation models were employed, examining the direct pathways from graphonomic measures (i.e., pressure, speed, pauses, and road length) on text generation (i.e., length, fluency, planning, revision, and organization). The models demonstrated a good fit to the data. The findings from the four models, analyzed within the three cohorts, indicated that the significant effect of transcription (i.e., handwriting) on text production was primarily observed in Cohort 1 (early grades), while no significant effects were found in Cohort 2 (intermediate grades). This suggests that the importance of handwriting in text production in a transparent orthography may be more pronounced during the initial stages of writing development when students are acquiring foundational writing skills.