'stress management' Search Results
Examination of the Relationship between Prospective Teachers’ Occupational Anxiety and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Canonical Correlation
occupational anxiety technological pedagogical content knowledge (tpack) canonical correlation...
In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between prospective teachers' occupational anxiety and technological pedagogical content knowledge. Correlational model was used in this study. The participants consisted of 481 prospective teachers studying at Sakarya University Faculty of Education in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (TPACKS) and Occupational Anxiety Scale (OAS) were used as data collection instruments. As a result of canonical correlation analysis, it was determined that technological pedagogical content knowledge affects occupational anxiety by 62%.
The Teaching Profession according to Communication Styles while Solving Conflict Situations
conflict situations handling the conflict teaching profession...
An essential qualification requirement of the teachers´ profession is to handle the conflict situations effectively focusing on cultivation healthy kinds of relationship with other participants of the educational process, keeping discipline, communicative and good teaching atmosphere. In this contribution, we compare styles used in solving the conflict situations insight teaching profession objectively. Slovak elementary school teachers (N = 22) and secondary grammar school teachers (N = 42) were ask to complete a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions with 5 types of solving the conflict situations at school (avoiding, fighting, compromising, accommodating, collaborating). The occurrence and the use of different teachers´ approaches to solving the conflict situation were compared and analyzed. The Likert scaling and the method verified by professor Northouse were used for data evaluation. It is of high importance to pay attention to the dominant style (or the absent one) of solving the conflict situations in the teacher-student, teacher-teacher or teacher-superior interactions and to explore the differences of applying them.
The Mediator Role of Organizational Support in the Relationship between Organizational Identity and Organizational Stress
organizational stress organizational identity organizational support...
The purpose of this research is to test the theoretical model developed for the mediator role of perceived organizational support in the relationship between organizational identity and organizational stress. The research is conducted with 320 teachers who work in preschools, primary schools, elementary schools, and high schools. The data were collected using organizational stress scale, perceived organizational support scale, organizational identity scale, and personal information form. The direct and indirect relationships between perceived organizational support, organizational stress, and level of organizational identity were analysed using the Structural Equation Model. The proposed structural model was verified by the analyses. It is observed that the relationships between all variables in the research have significant values and their goodness of fit indices were within the acceptable level. The results of the analyses showed that, organizational identity significantly predicts organizational stress and perceived organizational support. It was also found that the impact of organizational identity on organizational stress was fully mediated by perceived organizational support. According to these results, organizational support plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational identity and organizational stress.
Investigation of the Relationship between Psychological Resilience, Patience and Happiness Levels of Physical Education Teachers
psychological resilience patience happiness physical education...
The research aims were to examine the relationship among psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels of physical education teachers employing in İzmir, Afyonkarahisar, and Muğla provinces in the Aegean Region and was to explain whether psychological resilience and patience levels predict happiness. The research was a descriptive study in the relational scanning model. The study participants consisted of 336 PE teachers, 182 (54.2%) were males, and 154 (45.8%) were females.. The data were obtained using the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), Patience Scale and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. In the analysis of data were used SPSS 25 statistical program. The analysis of the data descriptive statistics, correlation, and statistical regression methods were used. As a result of the research, it was determined that the psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels were at medium levels according to the average score the PE teachers got from the scales. It was found that there is a moderate positive relationship between PE teachers' psychological resilience, patience, and happiness levels, and psychological resilience and patience levels are a significant predictor of happiness.
Coping Strategies of Teachers: An Inventory of Approaches and Programs and their Knowledge and Usage in German Schools
classroom disruptions coping strategies stress management protective and risk factors teacher burnout...
Various studies have shown that teachers are subject to an increased stress level and the associated physical and psychological consequences. In this article, the possibilities of coping of stressful situations in everyday school life are systematized. In addition, the knowledge and usage of available programs and trainings for coping with stress at school in German-speaking countries will be assessed. This is a descriptive study based on a survey of 32 teachers. Effects due to contextual variables (gender, school type, and work experience) were examined. The results indicate that only a few of the programs surveyed are known and used in schools. Effects in connection with the gender of the teachers as well as their professional experience could not be determined. Instead, significantly more special education teachers knew and used programs to strengthen protective context factors (school type effect). The fact that a high proportion of teachers are unaware of and do not use available programs, despite their high importance for healthy coping with personal job demands, suggests deficiencies in teacher education and training. In addition, lack of resources at schools may be limiting. The successful management of stressful situations must not be seen as a task for individual employees; rather, systemic solutions must be found. Particularly due to the increased stress experienced by teachers in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, aspects of health promotion in schools should play a significant role. The aim must be to provide more detailed information about stress management approaches in schools and to support their implementation.
A Skill Application Model to Improve Teacher Competence and Professionalism
indonesia model skill application teacher competence teacher professionalism...
Teacher professionalism is needed for quality education. The current practice for increasing teacher professionalism is to use skill applications. However, the implementation of skill applications has, in fact, not succeeded in significantly increasing teacher professionalism. This study aims to explain the importance of an effective skill application model coupled with a comprehensive approach to raise the level of teacher competence. This study is qualitative with its data derived from observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The paper's research findings show that existing programs are not sufficiently enhancing teacher competencies and professionalism. Various teacher professional development activities are conducted; however, there has been no continuous post-activity follow-up. These professional development activities tend only to fulfill the administrative requirements for teacher promotion. What is needed is a comprehensive and continuous teacher professionalism assessment model, which is underpinned by a system of mentoring. This study has implications for evaluating the teacher's professional competencies. More comprehensive skill applications need to be formulated as part of an integrated, sustainable, and mentoring [terpadu, sustainable, pendampingan-TSP] approach to develop teacher professionalism significantly.
Natural Disaster Education in School: A Bibliometric Analysis with a Detailed Future Insight Overview
bibliometric analysis; natural disaster; natural disaster education; natural disaster literacy...
In some places of the world, disasters occur virtually every day. If disasters are not properly foreseen, they may result in many fatalities. This research aims to examine the growth and pattern of literature on natural disaster education in schools. This analytical strategy combines quantitative and statistical methods to discover trends, assess quality, and track development. A total of 216 documents were chosen from the 403 documents collected. Following 2015, there was a considerable increase in four-year publications. Authors from the United States contributed to 45 papers with 37% citations and ranked first, followed by authors from Japan (31 documents; 15% citations) and Indonesia (31 documents) with rankings citations below the top 10. Most publications were published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (12 docs; Q1 Scimago Journal Rank 1.1 (SJR 1.1)). The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines had the most citations (100; Q1 SJR 3.6) and was ranked first in its discipline. The existing core literature on school education on natural disasters demonstrates that this topic is developing rapidly, but with insufficient international research collaboration. Research cooperation in this area must be strengthened to better the global response to natural disaster mitigation, which should begin in schools worldwide. There is a need to widen the scope of study in this field to include natural disaster preparedness education in the school curriculum, assessments, learning media, disaster response education, and instructional designs. Finally, disaster education in schools must be addressed as soon as possible to contribute to disaster preparedness.
Teachers' Awareness of Students' Learning Situations During Distance Learning: Implications for Students' Academic Performance
blended learning readiness learning anxiety learning environment students’ perception teacher’s awareness...
This study focused on teachers' awareness of students' learning situations during distance learning. It took place at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) - Gabaldon Campus during the academic year 2021-2022. The study employed descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational designs. The 249 students were selected using a stratified sampling technique, whereas the 25 teachers were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Findings revealed that teachers are aware of their students' situations. The students believe that they faced learning challenges during distance learning. There is a significant difference between male and female teachers in terms of student learning environment awareness, but no statistically significant difference in the teacher's awareness of the student's learning situation across age groups, service years, and academic rank. There is a significant difference in the learning anxiety of male and female students but not in the learning environment and blended learning readiness. The learning environment and readiness for blended learning do not differ significantly across age groups of students, but anxiety does. A statistically significant difference in student readiness in blended learning was observed based on students' courses but not on the learning environment or anxiety. There is no significant difference in students' learning situations based on family income or parental educational attainment. There was no significant difference in student achievement based on the teachers' level of awareness. Achievement is positively correlated with learning environment and readiness but negatively associated with anxiety. In addition, the study discussed its theoretical and practical implications.
How Do Employability, Personality, and Talent Management Affect Lecturers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior
employability job involvement ocb personality talent management...
Private universities in Indonesia need to urgently enhance the lecturers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), especially in overcoming a transition period of learning patterns after the COVID-19 pandemic from online to offline. Therefore, this research explores employability, personality, and talent management affect OCB and proves job involvement mediates employability, personality, and talent management influences OCB. It was conducted through a survey using a Likert scale questionnaire with 230 participants of lecturers from Indonesian private universities. Path analysis supplemented by descriptive and correlational analysis was used as a data analysis technique. The results showed that employability, personality, talent management, and job involvement significantly affect OCB. In addition, job involvement mediates employability, personality, talent management influences OCB. Therefore, a new empirical model regarding employability, personality, and talent management affect OCB with job involvement mediation was developed. Accordingly, researchers and practitioners can utilize for the model in their future activities.
Methodology for University Mathematics Teaching Staff: Emotional-Technological-Ontological Logic Evaluation
andragogical education covid-19 heterotopia technology monitoring learning process...
The aim of the research was to develop a theoretical approach to describe the emotional and techno-ontological logic of mathematics teachers during distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of their emotional state on the learning process. The research approach used in this paper belongs to the qualitative paradigm. The study involved teachers and students from universities in Ecuador, both private and public. The study observed the behavior of teachers and students, analyzed the use of technology in mathematical activities, and analyzed personal opinions about the learning process of the participants of the study. A digital observation guide and open-ended interviews were used to collect data. The qualitative analysis program Atlas.Ti software was used to analyze the data. The program created three categories: andragogical heterotopia of mathematics, emotional scar in teacher preparation, and perceptions of the educational process. As the results of the research showed, there was a deficit of digital professional training of teachers in the university teaching of mathematics. As a result of the research work carried out, a theoretical approach is proposed, through which it is possible to avoid the manifestation of techno-ontological logical emotions in mathematics teachers in Ecuadorian universities.
The Role of Job Satisfaction in Preschool Teachers’ Well-Being: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
confirmatory factor analysis exploratory factor analysis job satisfaction preschool teachers well-being...
Teacher well-being is a stimulating topic frequently appearing in studies over long periods. Teachers are typically exposed to stress that, when addressed, can lead to low morale and positively impact their work. This study examined the relationship between job satisfaction and well-being among preschool teachers in Selangor. We used a quantitative research method and correlational research design to test the hypotheses and answer the research questions. The current study involved 977 government preschool teachers selected using a cluster random sampling method. After data cleaning, a data set of 610 respondents was used for this study. This study used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS for data analysis. SEM Analysis showed that job satisfaction positively influences teachers' well-being. However, our results also showed that the subconstruct of job satisfaction with students did not significantly influence preschool teachers' well-being.
An Exploration into the Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Cadets’ Problem-Solving Skills: A Mix Method Study
flipped classroom mix method problem-solving skill...
Many education and learning experts currently recommend the flipped classroom model as an alternative to learning after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to explore the impact of the flipped classroom model on social skills and problem-solving skills for cadets. This research used a sequential mix method involving 50 maritime students in semester 7 of the Engineering Study Program at the Maritime Sciences Polytechnic Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Researchers used two main instruments, namely problem-solving skill tests and interviews. Furthermore, in the quantitative analysis, the researcher ran paired sample t-tests and one-way Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) using the SPSS 25.00 program. In addition, researchers also analysed qualitative data from interviews using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed that the flipped classroom model proved to have a positive effect on the problem-solving skills of maritime students. Other findings state that the cadets also respond positively to the flipped classroom model. Researchers recommend that teachers use the flipped classroom model, especially in dealing with learning in the post-pandemic era, like today.
Active Job Behaviors of Generation Z Elementary School Teachers
active job behavior generation z elementary school teacher latent profile analysis multinomial logistic regression...
The purpose of this study was to classify the active job behaviors of Generation Z (Gen Z, born after 1995) elementary school teachers and investigate relevant variables that significantly affect such a classification. A total of 375 Gen Z elementary school teachers who passed the National Elementary Teacher Qualification Test and had worked in elementary schools in South Korea participated in this study. The data collected identified the types of active job behaviors among Gen Z elementary school teachers using cross-tabulation through Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). A multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the predictors that influence the types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers. The results were as follows: First, there are four types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers: Ideal, relational, non-participatory, and passive job performance types. Second, teacher efficacy, learning agility, organizational commitment, and principals’ transformational leadership influenced the types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers. The results offer insights into the human resource management of Gen Z elementary school teachers and have significant implications for improving the active job behavior of Gen Z elementary school teachers.
The Impact of Proactive Behaviors of Vocational College Teachers on Teaching Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Support Perception
organizational support perception proactive behaviors teaching performance vocational college teachers...
This study aims to explore the relationship between proactive behaviors, teaching performance, and organizational support among vocational college teachers. Based on the theory of organizational support, we conducted a survey of 373 teachers from four vocational colleges in Shanxi Province, using scales for proactive behaviors, organizational support, and teaching performance. The results indicate that: (a) There is a significant correlation between teachers' proactive behaviors and teaching performance; (b) There is a significant correlation between teachers' proactive behaviors and organizational support; (c) Organizational support plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between teachers' proactive behaviors and teaching performance. This study enriches the application of organizational support in vocational colleges, providing empirical evidence for improving teachers' proactive behaviors in higher education institutions, which could be useful for central or local education policy decision-makers and implementing units. Additionally, this model could be further applied beyond vocational education to other contexts or policies, demonstrating both theoretical and practical significance.
Profiles of Teacher-Student Relationships and Classroom Management Practices: How They Relate to Self-Efficacy, Work Stress, and Classroom Climate
classroom management prosocial classroom model teacher profile teacher-student relationships teacher wellbeing...
Teachers' classroom practice encompasses diverse facets of teacher behavior. Understanding teachers’ classroom practice is important as the literature has been well documented its association with student, teacher, and classroom outcomes. Positive teacher-student relationships and proper classroom management, both are important aspects of teachers’ classroom practices, have been empirically linked to increasing student academic performance and reducing problem behaviors. This study explored patterns of teacher classroom practices across teacher-student relationships and classroom management and validated them using a person-oriented approach, k-means clustering, on three sets of data with over 600 participants. Using indicators of classroom assessment scoring system (CLASS), three distinct teacher profiles were identified: supportive, intermediate, and detached. Supportive teachers demonstrated high levels of teacher-student relationships and classroom management, while detached teachers showed low levels of both. Intermediate teachers fell between these two groups. The study also compared these profiles based on teacher self-efficacy, work stress, and classroom climate. Supportive teachers had the highest classroom climate scores, followed by intermediate and detached. Work stress was comparable for intermediate and supportive teachers, but both were lower than detached. No group differences were found for self-efficacy. This study contributes to the understanding of teacher behaviors with students in the lower grades.
Exploring the Nexus of Organizational Culture, Digital Capabilities, and Organizational Readiness for Change in Primary School in Digital Transformation: A Quantitative Analysis
digital capabilities digital transformation organizational culture organizational readiness primary schools...
In the context of Vietnam's primary schools undergoing a digital transformation, this research investigates the relationship between organizational culture (OC), digital capabilities (DC), and organizational readiness (OR) for change. This survey, which employs a quantitative methodology, includes 892 teachers and school managers from different elementary schools. Analyses were conducted using SPSS Statistics 26.0. The study shows a favorable relationship between digital skills and organizational readiness, suggesting that more digitally capable institutions are better equipped to handle change. Furthermore, a significant correlation exists between corporate culture, digital skills, and organizational readiness, indicating that schools with a creative and supportive culture are more prone to embrace digital change. These results advance knowledge of the variables affecting organizational change-readiness in Vietnam's primary school digital transformation. These results also have significant implications for educational policymakers, school administrators, and other stakeholders facilitating digital transformation in primary schools. By recognizing the benefits of digital capabilities and organizational culture for organizational change readiness, decision-makers can implement strategies to foster a supportive culture and enhance digital capabilities within educational institutions, ultimately leading to more successful and effective digital transformation initiatives.