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Research Article

The Impact of Academic, Personal, and Professional Attributes on the Occupational Identity of School Counselors in Israel

Einat Heled , Nitza Davidovitch

This article focuses on the influence of academic training, job issues, personality and demographic characteristics of school counselors on their prof.


This article focuses on the influence of academic training, job issues, personality and demographic characteristics of school counselors on their professional identity construction, which is developed in a theoretical model based on educational-psychological theories. Most of the training in Master's degree studies in school counseling is incompatible with actual job demands; Consequently, when beginning work, school counselors lack suitable training and relevant professional tools. Moreover, in Israel and elsewhere, the definition of school counseling is unclear and inconclusive, and this affects the counselors' professional identity and the quality of their work. The proposed model of the variables that affect school counselors’ professional identity may enhance the relationship between academia and the field, with the aim of promoting academic excellence and a well-formulated professional identity for the profession of school counseling, as well as improving the employment terms of school counselors, in light of the challenges facing higher education systems in the 21st century.

Keywords: School counseling, professional identity, satisfaction, work commitment, and self-efficacy.

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