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Research Article

The Role of Innovation Leadership in Teacher Commitment: A Study of Organizational Culture

Sukris Sutiyatno , Kartika Imam Santoso , Gatot Susilo

This study aimed to investigate the influence of innovation leadership on teacher commitment through organizational culture as a mediating variable. A.


This study aimed to investigate the influence of innovation leadership on teacher commitment through organizational culture as a mediating variable. A quantitative approach using the survey method was used, and the sample was selected using proportional random sampling. The respondent consisted of 180 teachers from public vocational schools in Magelang. In addition, data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a structural equation model (SEM). The result showed that innovation leadership influenced organizational culture with a t-value of 2.95 > ttable (1.98) at .26. In contrast, organizational culture influenced teacher engagement with .27 and a t-value of 3.10 > ttable (1.98). Innovative leadership directly affected teacher commitment at .31 with a t-value of 3.41 > ttable (1.98) due to organizational culture being a mediating variable at .07. The overall influence on teachers' commitment through the organizational culture is .38. The analysis results explain that organizational culture can successfully mediate the relationship between innovation leadership to teachers' commitment. Therefore, these variables can be developed and implemented in schools to increase student achievement quality.

Keywords: Innovation leadership, organizational culture, teacher commitment.

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