Validity and Reliability of Child-Friendly School Policy Evaluation Instruments in Primary Schools: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Riana Nurhayati
Suranto Aw
Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
Mami Hajaroh
Herwin Herwin
Evaluation of child-friendly school (CFS) policies is essential to determine the achievements of school efforts in reducing violence cases. This resea.
- Pub. date: February 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: January 30, 2024
- Pages: 165-177
- 0 Citations
Evaluation of child-friendly school (CFS) policies is essential to determine the achievements of school efforts in reducing violence cases. This research aims to proving the reliability and validity of CFS policy evaluation instruments in elementary schools with different locations. This investigation uses the Context Input Process Product (CIPP) evaluation model to confirm the factor structure or dimensions of several observed variables (items) to evaluate the reliability and validity of the CFS policy evaluation tool in elementary schools. The validity and reliability of previously created instruments are evaluated quantitatively, but this study utilises different subjects and study sites. There were 320 respondents, with 145 school principals and 175 teachers taken randomly. Confirmatory factors analysis (CFA) results show goodness of fit (GOF), and the model is acceptable. The CFS evaluation instrument can be accepted after eliminating several question items and modifying them. All items of the teal instrument meet the goodness of fit criteria in terms of chi-square and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). The instrument for evaluating CFS policies in primary schools using the CIPP model has met a valid and reliable psychometric property test so that it can be applied.
Keywords: Child-friendly school, confirmatory factor analysis, primary school.
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