Boosting Students' Entrepreneurial Career Choices through the Role of Community Support: Evidence from Structural Equation Modeling
Maulana Amirul Adha
Abdullah Mohd Nawi
Increasing the number of entrepreneurs is not just a school task, it requires joint work between educational institutions and the community. Using str.
- Pub. date: February 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: January 30, 2024
- Pages: 151-163
- 0 Citations
Increasing the number of entrepreneurs is not just a school task, it requires joint work between educational institutions and the community. Using structural equation modeling, this research aims to investigate the role of community in promoting entrepreneurial careers for students, by adding achievement motivation, entrepreneurial attitudes, and entrepreneurial intentions as predictor variables. The population of this research was high school students in urban areas, and the sample was taken based on convenience sampling, with a total of 300 students participating. Data were analyzed using EFA, CFA, and structural model evaluation using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0. The research results show that all hypotheses are accepted, meaning that community support influences students' entrepreneurial career choices, as do other predictor variables. This study can provide guidance for developing educational strategies and policies that support the development of young entrepreneurs in the future, through predictor variables.
achievement motivation community support entrepreneurial attitudes entrepreneurial career choices entrepreneurial intentions
Keywords: Achievement motivation, community support, entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurial career choices, entrepreneurial intentions.
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