'novice teacher' Search Results
The Mediating Role of Prospective Teachers’ Teaching Self-Efficacy between Self-Efficacy Sources and Attitude towards Teaching Profession
self-efficacy self-efficacy sources attitude teaching profession prospective teachers...
The purpose of this study was to investigate a predictive power of prospective teachers’ self-efficacy sources on their teaching self-efficacy and attitude towards the teaching profession. Design of the study was the correlational research. The study was conducted on 315 prospective teachers studying pedagogical formation education in a 2017-18 academic year. Instruments were “Prospective Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Sources Scale”, “Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale” and “Attitude Scale of Teaching Profession”. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and PATH analysis methods were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that emotional states, mastery experience, and verbal persuasion were significant predictors of prospective teachers’ teaching self-efficacy and attitudes towards teaching profession.
The Impact of Academic, Personal, and Professional Attributes on the Occupational Identity of School Counselors in Israel
school counseling professional identity satisfaction work commitment and self-efficacy...
This article focuses on the influence of academic training, job issues, personality and demographic characteristics of school counselors on their professional identity construction, which is developed in a theoretical model based on educational-psychological theories. Most of the training in Master's degree studies in school counseling is incompatible with actual job demands; Consequently, when beginning work, school counselors lack suitable training and relevant professional tools. Moreover, in Israel and elsewhere, the definition of school counseling is unclear and inconclusive, and this affects the counselors' professional identity and the quality of their work. The proposed model of the variables that affect school counselors’ professional identity may enhance the relationship between academia and the field, with the aim of promoting academic excellence and a well-formulated professional identity for the profession of school counseling, as well as improving the employment terms of school counselors, in light of the challenges facing higher education systems in the 21st century.
First-Year Experiences of Social Studies Teachers Starting their Profession in the Public Sector
starting the profession first-year experiences teacher education social studies teacher...
This research aims to reveal the first-year experiences of social studies teachers who have just started their profession in the public sector. Also, it aims to reveal what awaits teachers in the school environment and the current experiences of teachers at the beginning of the profession. Case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 34 social studies teachers working in secondary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education (Turkey) in the districts of Ankara. Participants were selected on an equal basis from all districts of Ankara province. Purposeful sampling, one of the non-random sampling methods was used in determining participants. In addition, criterion sampling was also used in the purposeful sampling phase. The obtained data were subjected to the content and descriptive analysis. As a result of the research, following the latest changes and developments and developing their basic knowledge and skills seems important for teachers who started their profession in the public sector. The multidisciplinary of the social studies branch, attractivity, and the fact that there are no alternatives comes to the fore in teachers' decision-making process to become social studies teachers. In addition, teachers participating in the research suggested to new teachers that they should master their fields, maintain their personal development, get to know the target group, and maintain strong communication in school.
Defining Preliminary Research for Digital Game-Based Learning Evaluation: Best Practices
preliminary research studies digital game-based learning interventions pilot study field test education methodology...
The surge of learners being immersed in computer game contexts for learning has instigated dialogue about the contextually appropriate collection of reliable and valid data to inform education-based decisions. The purpose of this article is to develop educational practitioners’ understanding of preliminary research work, and to inform educational researchers about design and reporting of preliminary research work, in the context of reported preliminary studies on Digital Game-Based Learning Interventions (DGBLIs). First a checklist of processes for the reporting of preliminary studies is provided. Second, a summary is offered of the characteristics of each type of preliminary study including the description, objectives, and methodology. Third, an example from peer-reviewed literature is identified of each type of preliminary study relevant to DGBLIs and conducted within the past five years. Evident from the examples selected, educational researchers and practitioners are best advised to recognize the characteristics of preliminary studies — pilot work, feasibility study, pilot study, pilot trial, and field test — to better inform DGBLIs before embarking on a full-scale study, and to meet the need of educational practitioners for concrete evidence about DGBLIs.
A Survey Study of Middle School English Instruction in Four Rural Districts in Beijing
english instruction rural areas secondary school in china...
This survey study provides a holistic picture of English teachers’ qualification and the status quo of English instruction in secondary school classrooms in four lowest-achieving rural disctricts in Beijing, China. It covers a wide variety of aspects related to language instruction, including teachers’ professional background and credentials, lesson preparation and instructional materials, teachers’ instructional languages, factors that limit English instruction, roles teachers play in classrooms, and classroom instruction on pronunciation and fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Results shows how inequality in resources and the lack of teaching standards and qualifications can negatively impact students, further hindering their academic and professional opportunities. The findings provide valuable information to the teacher preparation and professional development in these districts and hopefully bring attention to the Department of Education in China about the educational needs of the low achieving rural districts in Beijing.
Developing an Instructional Design for the Field of ICT and Software for Gifted and Talented Students
instructional design computer programming gifted and talented students science and art center (bilsem)...
This study aimed to develop an instructional design that focuses on programming teaching for gifted and talented students and to investigate its effects on the teaching process. During the development of the instructional design; the steps of Morrison, Ross and Kemp Instructional Design Model were followed. Embedded experimental design, one of the mixed-method research designs, was used in the modeling of the study. The participants consisted of students studying at the Science and Art Center (BILSEM) (experimental group: 13 girls and 12 boys, control group: 10 girls and 15 boys). While the instructional design developed by the researchers was applied to the gifted and talented students in the experimental group, the standard activities used in Information Technologies and Software Courses at BILSEM were applied to the gifted and talented students in the control group. “Computational Thinking Scale (CTS)”, “Torrance Creative Thinking Test (TCTT-Figural)” and “Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Scale (CPSES)” were used to collect the data of the quantitative phase of the study. Qualitative data were gathered by using interview form, observation forms, and design thinking rubric. Two-Factor ANOVA Test, Bonferroni Adjustment Multiple Comparisons Test, and interaction graphs were used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The quantitative results of the research showed that the instructional design was effective on students' computational thinking and creative thinking skills, but not on programming self-efficacy. Qualitative findings revealed that the instructional design helped the students learn the computational concepts, use computational applications, and develop computational-perspectives. Also, students improved their design thinking skills to a certain level and expressed that they enjoyed the design thinking process, learned the course content, and experienced some difficulties.
Through the Looking Glass: Lesson Study in a Center School
lesson study professional development collaboration school culture significant disabilities pedagogy low expectations...
This article examined the role of Lesson Study in a center school located in the southeastern United States through an analysis of a narrative by the school principal. This methodology allowed a level of reflexivity across the research team, who appreciated hearing about the powerful first-hand enactment of the initiative. The paper begins with an analysis of Lesson Study, particularly in special education, and the key tenets of Lesson Study followed by a narrative account of the principal. Subsequent to her story, we explored lessons learned in relation to implementing a system change in a school, namely Lesson Study. We learned that a deeper understanding of school culture, sustaining professional development, and collaborative practice, were significant factors enabling the principal and teachers at the center school to embrace, plan, and implement a successful Lesson Study for learners with significant disabilities. In addition, we learned that Lesson Study plays an important role in teacher and student engagement in teaching and learning at the center school and supports teachers to design lessons that are efficacious in meeting the individual needs and higher expectations of students.
The Impact of Enabling School Structure on Academic Optimism: Mediating Role of Altruistic Behaviors
enabling school structure academic optimism bureaucracy altruistic behaviour...
This quantitative study aims to examine the relationships between enabling school structure, academic optimism and altruistic behaviours as well as to find out whether altruistic behaviours serve as a mediator between enabling school structure and academic optimism. A scale was applied to teachers from primary- schools in Turkey via random sampling. There were 707 teachers participating in this study. Three existing scales, which are enabling school structure, academic optimism, and teachers’ altruistic behaviours scales, were used to collect data from teachers. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations were calculated in the study to investigate correlations among all the variables and reliabilities of the measures. Structural Equation Modelling investigated the effects of Enabling School Structure on School Academic Optimism through Teachers’ Altruistic Behaviours. The results confirmed a positive relationship between all variables of the study. The findings also revealed the mediator effect of TAB on the relationship between ESS and SAO. Finally, some recommendations were given based on results.
Measuring Thinking Styles of Pre-service and Early Career Teachers: Validation of a Revised Inventory
early career teachers pre-service teachers thinking styles validation...
The early phase is the decisive period for the teachers’ career. Intellectual styles (particularly thinking styles) play a vital role in teachers’ professional development. With the purpose of measuring thinking styles of teachers at the early phase, this study was designed to validate a revised inventory of thinking styles (TSI-R2) for pre-service and early career teachers. A sample of pre-service teachers (n = 248) were invited to join the pilot study and a sample of teachers with one year work experience (n = 252) participated in the main study. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed. The results suggested that with slight modification, TSI-R2 was a reliable and valid instrument to measure thinking styles of pre-service teachers and early career teachers, which has some implications to enhancing teacher education and development.
Behavioral Factors Affecting the Acclimatization of Newly-Appointed Teachers in Primary Schools: An Empirical Investigation
teacher collegiality teacher community teacher induction teacher reception...
Despite findings in the literature on its significance, the acclimatization of teachers into school units is not well organized. Hence, many newly appointed teachers fell as a “foreign body” into school, they do not interact with the other members of staff and they are not actively engaged in school life. This study aims to explore the factors involved in social behavior (collegial relations) among members of the educational community. These factors may affect the acclimatization/reception of teachers who, regardless of their teaching experience, are called to teach for the first time in a new school environment. According to the findings, it is essential the attitudes of teaching staff, in matters of cooperation, to be transformed and a collegial climate in schools to be established. To this end, fostering empathy among teachers through educational activities and enhancing opportunities for cooperation and teamwork inside and outside the classroom would be of significant contribution.
Greek Myths to Co-Build Teacher Identity: Perceptions of Students in the Master of Education Research
higher education myths qualitative research teacher identity...
The objective of this study was to promote the use of metaphorical stories based on classical Greek myths in academic teacher training. The aim is to favour processes of personal assemblage and the constitution of teacher identity. Based on 8 classical myths, 4 of them featuring a female character and another 4 a male character, the group of participants narrated positive as well as disappointing experiences they had lived through during their academic training. Moreover, they selected the myths, among those proposed, that provided the metaphors that best described their specific personal trajectories. Adopting a qualitative approach, we followed a narrative-biographical tradition and collected 37 stories. This narrative corpus was analysed using the AQUAD software. The results showed that classical Greek myths contain and provide a powerful and illuminating narrative scaffolding, helping students to adopt a different perspective in the narration of their own academic trajectories. The myths equally helped them to become more aware of the most genuine life and personal experiences that shaped their own teacher identity.
Evaluation of the Curriculum of Junior High School Mathematics Subject Using Spatial Analysis in the Regions of Pekanbaru
curriculum evaluation k-13 kriging interpolation national examination spatial analysis surfer software...
Evaluation of the K-13 curriculum (2013 Curriculum) on the value of the national mathematics examination “Nilai Ebtanas Murni” (NEM) in every State Junior High School needs to be carried out thoroughly in order to improve the quality of education. This study uses spatial analysis to evaluate the curriculum and determine the development of NEM scores in the school year. Furthermore, the kriging interpolation method via surfer software was used to generate scores. The results showed that the 2015 K-13 mathematics curriculum did not give good results based on the 36-68 NEM score interval for the entire Pekanbaru area. In addition, the curriculum only gives good results for a small area in the north and south. In 2016, the curriculum which was accompanied by the entry of the new education unit level curriculum “Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan” (KTSP) showed a significant change in the NEM value. Although most of these areas experienced an increase in scores, the intervals still ranged from 36-68. The total revision of the K-13 curriculum carried out and used in 2017 showed a significant increase in scores for all regions with an interval of 68-84 scores. In conclusion, this study shows that the revision of the K-13 curriculum is the right step to produce quality mathematics learning.
Novice Teachers’ Professional Identity Reconstruction
novice teacher professional identity reconstruction teacher education...
A transition from pre-service training programs to teaching is a dramatic and somehow painful experience for novice teachers. The question is what difficulties novice teachers face and how they negotiate their professional identity to cope with difficulties and find joys in their career. This study is aimed to investigate novice teachers’ professional identity reconstruction, from their imaged-identities to their practiced identities. The use of semi-structured interviews collected data from four Vietnamese English as a foreign language (EFL) novice teachers. According to the data, cue-based was the most common type of novice teachers’ imagined identity. Regarding the practiced identities, the interviewees reported different professional identity reconstructions in the first five years of teaching practice. The participants’ excerpts enlisted some challenges that the novices faced such as students’ learning attitudes, working environments, or unorganized colleagues. Based on the research findings, some solutions were proposed in order to help novice teachers get through their difficult times at the very beginning of their career.
Number of Response Options, Reliability, Validity, and Potential Bias in the Use of the Likert Scale Education and Social Science Research: A Literature Review
likert scale literature review potential bias reliability and validity...
This study reviews 60 papers using a Likert scale and published between 2012 – 2021. Screening for literature review uses the PRISMA method. The data analysis technique was carried out through data extraction, then synthesized in a structured manner using the narrative method. To achieve credible research results at the stage of the data collection and data analysis process, a group discussion forum (FGD) was conducted. The findings show that only 10% of studies use a measurement scale with an even answer choice category (4, 6, 8, or 10 choices). In general, (90%) of research uses a measurement instrument that involves a Likert scale with odd response choices (5, 7, 9, or 11) and the most popular researchers use a Likert scale with a total response of 5 points. The use of a rating scale with an odd number of responses of more than five points (especially on a seven-point scale) is the most effective in terms of reliability and validity coefficients, but if the researcher wants to direct respondents to one side, then a scale with an even number of responses (six points) is possible. more suitable. The presence of response bias and central tendency bias can affect the validity and reliability of the use of the Likert scale instrument.
What Constitutes a ‘Classroom Problem’ for Today's Teacher?: An Exploratory Study
critical incidents teacher competencies teacher education programs teacher-student relationship...
Teachers face situations that are difficult to solve, which affect their practices in the classroom. Teachers´ ability to face problematic situations been related to educators' adaptive and metacognitive capacity. This study aimed to contrast the recent literature on classroom problems with reports from Chilean teachers regarding what they mean today as critical situations in the classroom. The major problems with the highest prevalence were categorized based on a literature review. Subsequently, teachers from three educational levels (pre-school, primary and secondary) were asked to relate situations in which they had experienced a crisis in their profession. After a filtering based on the relevance and textual richness present, the stories (n=145) were subjected to a thematic analysis and contrasted with the categories obtained from the reviewed literature. The results show a low proportion of problems associated with learning management in the classroom and, on the other hand, a high proportion of behavioral problems in students focused on situations of aggression towards the teacher. These conclusions are discussed to reconsider the concept of "classroom problem situations" and, based on this, questioning the role of teacher training in the development of skills for the management of authentic problem situations.
Teachers' Awareness of Students' Learning Situations During Distance Learning: Implications for Students' Academic Performance
blended learning readiness learning anxiety learning environment students’ perception teacher’s awareness...
This study focused on teachers' awareness of students' learning situations during distance learning. It took place at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) - Gabaldon Campus during the academic year 2021-2022. The study employed descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational designs. The 249 students were selected using a stratified sampling technique, whereas the 25 teachers were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Findings revealed that teachers are aware of their students' situations. The students believe that they faced learning challenges during distance learning. There is a significant difference between male and female teachers in terms of student learning environment awareness, but no statistically significant difference in the teacher's awareness of the student's learning situation across age groups, service years, and academic rank. There is a significant difference in the learning anxiety of male and female students but not in the learning environment and blended learning readiness. The learning environment and readiness for blended learning do not differ significantly across age groups of students, but anxiety does. A statistically significant difference in student readiness in blended learning was observed based on students' courses but not on the learning environment or anxiety. There is no significant difference in students' learning situations based on family income or parental educational attainment. There was no significant difference in student achievement based on the teachers' level of awareness. Achievement is positively correlated with learning environment and readiness but negatively associated with anxiety. In addition, the study discussed its theoretical and practical implications.
Visual Thinking and Reading Comprehension: Foreign Language Setting as an Example
imagery reading sub-skills visual thinking strategy visualization yarmouk university...
This study examines how visual thinking may affect Jordanian female ninth-graders reading abilities. The design had an experimental feel about it. The study included 66 ninth-grade female students who were studying English as a foreign language (EFL). An instructional program was created and put into place, and a pre-post reading exam was created to help the study reach its objective. The results were examined using SPSS. The findings show that there are statistically significant changes in the steps of the visual thinking strategy (VTS) modality between the two groups, with the experimental group benefiting more. VTS has been proven to be a successful strategy for greatly enhancing student attainment of good marks and having an impact on student achievement of course learning outcomes. This study triggered the following reading sub-skills: vocabulary acquisition, imaging, building and activating schema, identifying the main idea and details, questioning, inferring, communicating through oral language, and comprehension. VTS has a real impact on teaching reading sub-skills, which is important for both teachers and curriculum designers. Longitudinal research data is required to further analyze and refine this teaching strategy.
Collaborative e-Portfolios Use in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Co-Design Strategy
co-design covid-19 e-portfolio higher education systematic review...
As the globe gradually entered the post-pandemic phase, electronic portfolio practises during the COVID-19 pandemic should be examined for future implementation. During the lockdown, electronic portfolio use was observed in higher education institutions by urging the provision of teaching and learning in a virtual mode. Under these conditions, the study analyses empirical e-portfolio practices and proposes a co-design model for effective e-portfolio implementation. This study is based on a systematic review, which included searching for and retrieving 221 papers from academic paper databases in English, Chinese, and Spanish; systematic screening using the Rayyan tool and the PRISMA model; and finally, extracting 12 publications, which were analysed by VOS Viewer and Nvivo, focusing on collaboration. The data collected allows for gathering several patterns of collaboration in e-portfolio practice. Based on the results obtained, a co-design strategy is suggested, which includes collaborative frameworks in e-portfolio implementation processes such as the community of inquiry (CoI) and community of practice (CoP). The co-design strategy provides the formulation of implementation recommendations related to collaborative e-portfolio. Conclusions reflect on utilising e-portfolios collaboratively in higher education settings by presenting a co-design strategy that is supported by the CoI and CoP frameworks.
Bibliometric Investigation in Misconceptions and Conceptual Change Over Three Decades of Science Education
bibliometric conceptual change misconception science education trend research...
This paper explores information related to misconceptions and conceptual change during the last thirty years 1992-2022 to be used as a preliminary study in science education. This study used bibliometric analysis with the help of the Scopus database. This paper used a bibliometric analysis study with the Scopus database and the help of MS Excel, VosViewer, and Rpackage software to visualize the data obtained. The results of this research found that Indonesian researchers have contributed the most in terms of the number of documents published in Australia and the United States. Additionally, research on these two topics has decreased since 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, these findings present trends in the areas of misconceptions and conceptual change that can be used as baseline data for future research. Studies related to misconceptions will continue to develop because they cannot be separated from the inside of education, whether at any level of elementary school, middle school, or college. This is an opportunity that must be taken advantage of by institutions and policies in an effort to improve and create quality of education, teacher resources, and students.