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'pedagogies' Search Results

A Study of Video-Mediated Opportunities for Self-Directed Learning in Required Core Curriculum

self-directed learning self-regulated learning videos core curriculum

Debra Bourdeau , Donna Roberts , Beverly Wood , Johnelle Korioth


Improving a required course in our curriculum that has proven to be a challenge for our students was the focus of this study. Surveys of both students and instructors attempted to identify specific problem areas. Using the information from these surveys, the researchers developed a series of videos to explain vital course concepts and deployed these into the course sections. The purpose of the videos is to provide consistency across the multiple modalities in which we offer our courses (including online, classroom and via videoconferencing) and to improve overall student understanding. This project seeks to determine how supplemental content focusing on material identified as “difficult,” by students and instructors, can impact student performance. Challenges include the deployment of the videos across various modalities and obtaining sufficient student feedback.

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Pages: 85-91
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visibility 1503
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This paper seeks to investigate the implementation of the Productive Pedagogies Framework in Nigerian mathematics classroom setting. The researcher adopted a qualitative case study approach to seeking data for the three research questions postulated for the study. Three mathematics teachers taught mathematics in two secondary schools in two Central states of Nigeria using the Productive Pedagogies framework introduced to them by the researcher. Two major instruments (observation and reflective interviews) were employed to seek information from the teachers and the students. While the researcher uses the grounded theory approached to interpret and or analyzed the data collected. The findings of this study suggest that the teachers made attempts to used Productive Pedagogies framework to achieved quality mathematics classroom instructions. This was demonstrated in their effort to used problem-solving to achieve intellectual quality classrooms instructions, making mathematics classroom instruction relevant to the world around their students, developing an atmosphere of friendship during classroom instruction and identifying and recognizing the differences existed among students during classroom instruction. It was observed that the used of the Productive Pedagogies can increase students’ engagement, collaborations, interactions, substantive conversations and effective inclusion during mathematics classroom instruction in which the research finally recommended the adoption of the Productive Pedagogies framework in the Nigerian mathematics classroom.

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Pages: 1-18
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visibility 2981
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The research aims to know the effect of Active Learning on the concept of mastery of sains learning by fifth grade students at primary school. The method that is used in this research is a quasi-experimental research. The aspect being measured in this research was comparing two learning groups. Experiment group was exposed to Active Learning Model and control group to conventional learning model. The data population of this research was all fifth grade students (28 students) at Primary School Soropaten 2 district Klaten in academic year of 2017/2018. The population was then divided into two classes. 14 students were in the experiment class, and 14 students were in the control class. The data sampling of research conducted with cluster random sampling. Data collection techniques included tests and observations. Data analysis was done by using a t-test and descriptive statistics. The results showed that learning with Active Learning Model influences the concept mastery of sains learning. The result learning by fifth-grade students Primary School showed 2.990 with the significance level at less than 0.05 i.e., 0.006.

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Pages: 177-181
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visibility 1328
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This paper sought to look at collaboration as an effective tool for mathematics classroom instruction. Four preservice teachers in a qualitative case study taught mathematics to three senior secondary school classes in two secondary schools in Northern Nigeria for a period of 15 weeks spread over three years. During this period 12 students volunteered to participate in four focus group discussions on the effectiveness of the pedagogy in their classrooms. Observations, research journals and focus groups were used to collect data for the study. A Narrative approach to data analysis was used to analyses the data collected. The findings of the study suggested that, the preservice teachers had initial challenges introducing the framework into their classrooms, they, however, gradually adopted the pedagogy into their classroom teaching. The study suggested that the preservice teachers used collaborative groupings and higher ordered questions to foster collaboration among their students. Some benefits of this strategy were also highlighted from the study. Prominent among them was the effective teacher-student and student-student relationship, help students see mathematics problems as common problems and reduced the domineering attitude of mathematics teachers who see themselves as possessing the monopoly of knowledge. Other findings observed in the study include the replacement of the teacher-centered approach to teaching with a student-centered approach. Therefore, it is suggested that, if collaboration is introduced into Nigerian mathematics classrooms, the traditional teacher-controlled mathematics classroom instruction that has bedeviled our classrooms will be reduced, and a new student-centered learning approach will be put in place.

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Pages: 347-361
cloud_download 892
visibility 2020
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This study describes the development and validation of a psychometrically-sound instrument, the Active Learning Strategies Inventory (ALSI), designed to measure learners’ perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. Active learning encompasses a broad range of pedagogical practices and instructional methods that connect with an individual learner's active learning strategies. In order to fulfill the study's goals, a conceptual framework on learners’ active learning strategies was developed and proposed, drawing upon the research literature on active learning. The development and construct validation of the Active Learning Strategies Inventory (ALSI), based on the conceptual and methodological underpinnings, involved identifying five scales of learners’ active learning strategies: engagement, cognitive processing, orientation to learning, readiness to learn and motivational orientation. An item pool of 20 items was generated following an extensive review of the literature, standardized card sorting procedures including confirmatory factor analysis and scale validation of a pilot (n = 407) survey. The ALSI scale demonstrated strong internal consistency and reliability with a Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.81 to 0.87. High item loading scores from the factor analysis provided initial support for the instrument's construct validity of the five-factor model. The ALSI scale provides a reliable and valid method for researchers and academicians who wish to measure learners' perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. Finally, we discuss the implications and address the limitations and directions for future research.

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Pages: 201-223
cloud_download 1267
visibility 2248
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This paper sought to investigate the mathematics teachers’ reflection on the role of Productive Pedagogies’ framework in festering effective classroom instruction. Two research objectives were used to discuss the reflection of the four mathematic teachers. A qualitative case study was adopted as the design of the study. Classroom observations, Research Journal and Reflective Interviews were organised to collect data for the study, while the narratives approach to data analysis was used to analyse the data collected. From the study, the mathematics teachers were able to gradually adjust to the new framework through effective reflective meetings with their colleagues and with the support of the researcher. They (mathematics teachers) reflected that, the framework helps them developed confidence, positive attitude and interest to their teaching practice. It helped fostered effective collaboration and created an atmosphere of trust between the mathematics teachers and their students. The study also suggested that the pedagogy influence the mathematics teachers to provide and received feedback from their colleagues and from their students. They were also of the view that there was a gradual shift from the traditional teacher centred instruction they are more conversant with to a more student-centred pedagogy. The implication of the study suggests the need to adopt the Productive Pedagogies framework into the Nigerian mathematics classroom to improve mathematics teacher’s classroom instruction.

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Pages: 319-335
cloud_download 1225
visibility 1932
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The aim of this study is to capture and analyse perspectives on higher education from the views of five students through in-depth interviews. The students' statements are analyzed in order to gain an understanding of their experiences of developing academic literacies in their university studies. They are regularly visiting the university study workshop for help with their exam assignments. The following questions have been formulated to fulfil the aim of the study: (a) what aspects of studies in higher education do the students express as important, favorable, or unfavorable, for their development of academic literacies? and (b) in what way do the students value the study workshops as an educational tool? The analysis reveals three themes: the importance of explicit support structures, the importance of teachers’ feedback, and the importance of using the students’ pedagogical capital. The results also show that the students highly value the study workshop when they reflect upon the one-to-one feedback, but the support seems to be insufficient both in supporting them to be more independent in their studies and in developing academic literacies from a critical and epistemological point of view.

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Pages: 731-741
cloud_download 341
visibility 938
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Active learning (AL) techniques invite students to participate actively, either physically or mentally, in the learning process so that they can change their behavior efficiently to achieve great achievement. Still, there is insufficient knowledge concerning the dimensions of AL techniques for business subjects of secondary school students in Malaysia. Thus, the research’s goal is to assist in the determination of the instruments’ reliability to measure the AL techniques measurement scale for business subjects’ students using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) as well as reliability analysis. Moreover, this research conducted a self-administered survey among secondary school students who have taken business subjects as their elective subjects. From secondary schools in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, 123 respondents were randomly chosen for the sample. To measure the AL constructs, the study retained 30 items developed because no items have been omitted since the factor loading turned out higher than the 0.50 cut-off point and was used as a tool for data collection. Essentially, this research empirically validates the dimension which helps lead to AL techniques in business subjects that are improved, and the findings are particularly beneficial to secondary school students in Malaysia.

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Pages: 671-684
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visibility 960
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Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on STEAM-Based Student’s Worksheet Analysis With Ecoprint Technique

motivation steam student creativity worksheet

Irdalisa , Zulherman , Mega Elvianasti , Sri Adi Widodo , Erlia Hanum


The objective of this research was to assess the efficacy of project-based learning in enhancing the analysis of student worksheets in the domains of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) with the integration of the ecoprint technique, focusing on its influence on student motivation and creativity. This investigation was conducted as a quasi-experiment involving a sample size of 150 students selected through cluster sampling. Data collection was executed using standardized tests, with instrument validity ascertained through the Aiken index and instrument reliability determined via Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis (MANOVA) and descriptive quantitative methods. The study's findings reveal a significant disparity in the mean scores of both learning motivation and student creativity. In conclusion, the implementation of project-based learning coupled with STEAM-based student worksheet analysis utilizing the ecoprint technique yields a substantial enhancement in learning motivation and student creativity. These findings underscore the success of employing STEAM-based worksheets in conjunction with the ecoprint method to foster students' motivation and creativity, as ecoprint inherently encompasses all STEAM components within the manufacturing process.

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Pages: 123-135
cloud_download 457
visibility 1562
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Expressing Ideas: AI-Integrated Paraphrasing to Students’ Writing Skills

ai artificial intelligence paraphrasing phenomenology writing skills

Jake C. Malon , Jay-an Virtudazo , Wenjan Vallente , Lourdes Ayop , Ma. Faith O. Malon


The main thrust of the study was to explore the third-year English student’s sentiments on the application of the artificial intelligence (AI)-integrated paraphrasing tools. Specifically, it aimed to investigate the benefits and drawbacks brought by AI paraphrasing tools towards the writing skills of the students. The investigation utilized a semi-structured interviews with an open-ended questionnaire using an audio-video recorder. The data gathered were interpreted using the Thematic Analysis of Braun and Clarke. The study was carried out at one of the campuses of a state university located at Candijay, Bohol, Philippines. Using the Purposive sampling technique, twelve (12) respondents provided information on the research endeavor. The findings revealed that students had a positive opinion of AI-integrated paraphrase tools: they saw them as helpful resources that significantly improve their academic writing process; it includes plagiarism reduction, efficiency, and timesaving, and aids in rephrasing text. The findings also revealed the risks and issues of using AI-integrated paraphrasing tools, such as Prone to plagiarism, automated suggestions dependency, and loss of original meaning and context. With that, the students showed how they deal with those risks and issues, including as responsible users and thorough editing and reviewing. In accordance with the study, students are encouraged not to rely excessively on AI-integrated paraphrase tools, even though they can improve their writing abilities. This research emphasizes that students play a pivotal role in ensuring the appropriateness of texts generated by AI-integrated paraphrasing tools by mastering the art of proper paraphrasing.

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Pages: 531-542
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visibility 2205
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Analysis of the Conceptualization of Quality in Spanish Educational Legislation

accountability educational laws educational reforms educational system quality

Laura Cabrera-Montalbán , Eva María González-Barea , María Jesús Rodríguez-Entrena


Since the 1990s, there has been a global trend in the search for quality in school systems that have materialized in the educational policies of the most developed countries. This article analyzes the treatment given to the concept of quality in the educational reforms approved in the last fifty years in Spain. The objectives of this study were: (a) to analyze the presence and recurrence of the term ‘quality’ in each of the laws and (b) to identify the factors associated with quality in these laws. To respond to these objectives, a bibliographic study was carried out using a content analysis approach to the texts of the different laws, as well as a review of the existing literature on the subject in question. It was, therefore, an eminently qualitative research approach. Among the findings found, it is worth highlighting the high presence of the term ‘quality’ in the legislative texts analyzed since the beginning of the new millennium, as well as a continuity in the educational reforms of evaluation policies of the educational system in coherence with the demands produced by supranational organizations at a global level.

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Pages: 559-573
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visibility 562
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