'e-learning' Search Results
Enhance Learning through BrainDance Movements: An Empirical Study
brain dance words per minute reading fluency social behavior instructional practices...
The purpose of this study was to compare and associate BrainDance activity to a control group on reading scores as well as social, learning, and negative behavior. A total of 40 students in two classrooms participated in this study. A Likert scale and words per minute reading scores followed by quantitative analysis using a t-test to document and assess students’ behaviors and reading scores. The findings indicated no significant difference in reading fluency, but the BrainDance group improved in four specific areas—focus, use of sense, multiple senses, and restlessness. There were positive correlations of social and learning behaviors, but negative correlations for learning and negative behaviors in addition to social and negative behaviors.
Achieving Quality Mathematics Classroom Instruction through Productive Pedagogies
pedagogies productive pedagogies quality classroom instruction classroom teaching strategies...
This paper seeks to investigate the implementation of the Productive Pedagogies Framework in Nigerian mathematics classroom setting. The researcher adopted a qualitative case study approach to seeking data for the three research questions postulated for the study. Three mathematics teachers taught mathematics in two secondary schools in two Central states of Nigeria using the Productive Pedagogies framework introduced to them by the researcher. Two major instruments (observation and reflective interviews) were employed to seek information from the teachers and the students. While the researcher uses the grounded theory approached to interpret and or analyzed the data collected. The findings of this study suggest that the teachers made attempts to used Productive Pedagogies framework to achieved quality mathematics classroom instructions. This was demonstrated in their effort to used problem-solving to achieve intellectual quality classrooms instructions, making mathematics classroom instruction relevant to the world around their students, developing an atmosphere of friendship during classroom instruction and identifying and recognizing the differences existed among students during classroom instruction. It was observed that the used of the Productive Pedagogies can increase students’ engagement, collaborations, interactions, substantive conversations and effective inclusion during mathematics classroom instruction in which the research finally recommended the adoption of the Productive Pedagogies framework in the Nigerian mathematics classroom.
Unpacking TPACK in Mathematics Education Research: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
meta-analysis systematic review tpack mathematics achievement...
Teaching with technology is considered a necessity in the U.S. mathematics classroom. However, few studies have established explicit considerations to support technology-enhanced student achievement. The purpose of this study was to characterize the effectiveness of technology in the mathematics classroom by systematically reviewing meta-analytic research. An exhaustive literature search was conducted. After applying a prioi inclusion criteria the pool of 65 initial meta-analyses was reduce to 13 representative studies. Each study was reviewed and characteristics were coded in four categories: (1) sample, (2) measurement, (3) design, and (4) source. An inductive review of the coded studies produced five unique moderators that were the most salient across studies. Overall mean effect sizes were retrieved or calculated from available study data. Hedges g was used as the common effect size metric for comparison across studies. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework was used to interpret the most salient moderators of effects across studies. Studies were categorized by didactical functionality and technology type. The results suggest that effects vary by didactical functionality from small to medium. The largest variations were observed for the didactical function of developing conceptual understanding. Implications for research and instructional praxis are provided.
Achievement Motivation Analysis of Outstanding Students in Learning Writing at Primary Schools
achievement motivation outstanding students learning writing primary school...
This study aims to describe achievement motivation on outstanding students in learning to write at the fifth grade primary schools students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Subjects in this study were 18 achieving students. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview and observation. Analytical techniques used are interactive analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the achievement motivation on outstanding students in learning writing is good, this happens because of several factors that support outstanding students in learning writing have good achievement motivation. There are factors of individuals (intern) and environmental factors (external), an individual factor which consists of 1) the competence of students; 2) belief to succeed, while environmental factors consists of 1) the competitive situation; 2) support from parents, 3) schools, including how to teach teachers.
The Effect of the Layered Curriculum on the 6th Grade Students’ Learning Styles in Science Lesson
curriculum the layered curriculum styles learning styles science...
This study mainly aims to determine the effect of the layered curriculum on the 6th grade students’ learning styles in science lesson. The study group consists of students in the 6/A and 6/D at Fevzi Cakmak Secondary School in the city center of Siirt-Turkey in the academic year of 2015-2016. “Learning Styles Inventory” developed by Kolb and translated into Turkish by Askar and Akkoyunlu, diaries of students and semi-structured interview form developed by researchers and examination of the documents were used as data collection tools. As for data analysis, percent (%) and chi-square techniques were used to determine the learning styles of students, but in the analysis of students’ opinions the descriptive analysis was used. During the study, students were also asked to express their experiences and considerations about learning activities via a diary. The thoughts and feelings reflected in the diaries of students were directly quoted in findings. As a result of the analysis, in pre-test results of the students in the experimental group exposed to the layered curriculum, a significant difference was found in terms of gender; however, no significant difference was found in their post-test results.
Teachers’ Perceptions of Innovative Learning Model toward Critical Thinking Ability
innovative learning model critical thinking ability mathematics teachers' perceptions...
The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions about the importance of learning innovation toward critical thinking ability in learning mathematics. The subjects in this study are the teachers and the students of grade Vin Al-Islam 6 Al-Fajar, Muhammadiyah 23 and Cokroaminoto Islamic Elementary School Surakarta. The research method used in this research is qualitative case study. The problem in the research is the students' mathematics score is low that is seen from the results of the daily test’s students which showed 85% get grades below the minimal mastery criteria there is 60. The analysis technique used is triangulation. Validation used is qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of interviews to a number of teachers who teach mathematics in the fifth-grade in Pasarkliwon sub-district, it can be concluded that students' critical thinking ability in mathematics is low so that it is required innovative learning model used by the teachers.
An Integrated Model Approach: Exploring the Energy Literacy and Values of Lower Secondary Students in Japan
theory of planned behavior value-belief-norm theory structural equation modeling conditional process analysis...
Energy literacy is a minimum required capacity for developing a sustainable society that participates in and discusses on energy and environmental (EE) issues. Understanding the energy literacy structure is of significant importance for providing effective energy education to promote people’s awareness of EE issues. In this article, an energy literacy structural model integrated with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Value-Belief-Norm Theory was investigated for 1070 lower secondary students (ages 13-15) in Japan. Structural equation modeling uncovered that the awareness of consequences is the most powerful predictor for the causality between basic energy knowledge and energy-saving behavior through the attitude toward the energy-saving behavior. A conditional process analysis elucidated that (1) the conditional effect of basic energy knowledge on the awareness of consequences depends on scientific literacy, critical thinking ability, and environmental worldview, and (2) the conditional direct and indirect effects in the mediation model of awareness of consequences on the attitude toward energy-saving behavior through the ascription of responsibility depend on environmental worldview or values and family discussion of energy-related issues. The energy literacy model proposed provides a theoretical contribution to the development of an effective energy education program.
The Impact of A Service-Learning Project on Undergraduate Students’ Faith Development and Spiritual Formation: Outcomes of an Organization and Administrative Behavior Course
service-learning faith development spiritual formation...
Spiritual growth and development is frequently cited as an outcome of participation in service-learning projects. However, little research has focused on measuring the students' ability to understand the connection between the service-learning experience and their personal faith and the ability to live out their Christian values in the field. Notably missing from this particularly limited area of study is the Christian values convergence of being able to understand the worth of all people and a desire to be engaged in serving the community. Encompassing both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this study investigates undergraduate business students’ perceptions of the impact of a semester-long urban service-learning project on their spiritual lives and faith formation. Specific attention is given to exploring the students' perception of faith as demarcated by the Christian praxis of the students' relationship with God and with others.
Picture in Children's Story Books: Children's Perspective
interpreting visual reading picture story books...
The aim of this study is to collect and analyze children's comments on the pictures in children's story books. Four students studied in the first grade of a public primary school in Adana participated in the study. The research model is an example of phenomenology among qualitative research patterns. Focus group method was used as the data collection tool and observation method was used in a second exercise to support the first method. In focus group discussion "The City on the Wind" by Behic Ak, selected as the Book 1, was reviewed along with 4 participating students. In the second exercise, the book named "The Little Match Girl" selected as Book 2 was reviewed. Descriptive analysis and document analysis methods were used in the analysis of the research data. Students' comments on the pictures were collected under four different themes. "Description" among these themes was the most common in student expressions. The sentences for the themes of superficial interpretation, imaginative interpretation and critical understanding were less frequently used by students. Another finding of the study is the number of words students used to describe the picture. Students built short sentences not exceeding 2-3 words.
Preservice Teachers’ Transforming Perceptions of Science and Mathematics Teacher Knowledge
science/science education mathematics/mathematics education teacher education teacher knowledge petsma...
Teacher Education Programs (TEPs) are intended to prepare students to become qualified professionals in the field of education. Yet, many preservice teachers (PSTs) have difficulty recognizing their new roles, not simply as students in the TEP, but as future educators. As PSTs progress through their coursework, field experiences, and student teaching, their perceptions of teacher knowledge evolves. Teacher educators may assist in positively influencing such transformation through reflective exercises, learning activities, and thoughtful discourse. The present research examines four classroom discussions centered on a mathematics and science activity. These discussions illustrate the changes in perspective with respect to mathematics and science teacher knowledge, among a cohort of elementary PSTs between the beginning and end of their first year in a TEP.
Enhancing Critical Thinking in Malaysian Primary School Students through PLS Method
pictologics critical thinking imagination interview pls...
Pictologics (PLS) is a language teaching method which relies on imaginative usage of pictures. The current paper reports the effects of applying this method on enhancing critical thinking ability of the Malaysian students. 69 students (32 boys & 37 girls) in two classes in a public primary school in Penang, Malaysia participated in this study. The experiment covered ten 1-hour sessions which were all audio-recorded and video-taped. The main objective was to engage the students in short conversations in English by using new words that they were learning via PLS. The following qualitative instruments were employed in this study: interviews with the teachers, focus group interviews with the students, a group interview with students’ parents, class check-list of the students’ behavior during the sessions, photos, and video footages. The findings reveal significant patterns of critical thinking among the students such as recognizing and criticizing assumptions, giving reasons to support a conclusion, incorporating isolated data into a wider framework, and using analogies to solve problems. The author strongly recommends application of adopted PLS techniques to be used either alone, or combined with the other conventional language teaching methods.
Field Trial Analysis of Teaching Material Civic Education Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) to Improve Student’s Outcome
pbl knowledge primary school civic education...
This research is part of developing study on the Civic education teaching material based on PBL. This research aims to determine the process of developing the teaching material of Civic education based on PBL for the fourth-grade of elementary school in order to improve students’ learning outcome. The result of the previous study shows that the teaching material does not currently fulfill the students’ need. Method of research used is a descriptive qualitative and quantitative. This research consists of two activities namely the composing of extensive and limited test. In the implementation, the extensive test has a broader scope than limited test. Methods of collecting data in this research are interview, observation, expert assessment and test. The instruments of this research are interview guide, field notes, expert assessment sheet and test sheet of the student learning outcome. Stages in this activity include the preparation of teaching material Civic education based on PBL, experts’ validation of Civic education teaching material based on PBL, and field trials. The result of this research is a draft of teaching material of Civic education based on PBL including introduction, content and closing. It is eligible used by nine experts. The student learning outcome that uses the teaching material Civic education based on PBL is improved.
Paternalistic Leadership Scale Turkish Adaptation a Validity – Reliability Study
paternalistic leadership paternalistic leadership scale research assistants scale development...
The first step towards discussing a phenomenon or a concept in depth and with powerful scientific principles and methodology is to develop, adapt and utilize tools that accurately measure and discover the problem. For this purpose, the present study concentrated on paternalistic leadership, which is a new concept in the field of management, and reliability and validity studies on the scale (PLS) that was used to assess paternalistic leadership by Cheng et al. (2004) were conducted to add the scale to the national literature. The study was conducted on the data collected from 326 (EFA) + 255 (CFA) research assistants to determine the validity of the scale. In a determination of the reliability of the scale, item-total point correlations and Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient were used. In order to determine how the scale works in different cultural and qualitative samples, the adaptation version was discussed by comparing with the previous factor analysis studies of the PLS. The analysis showed that adaptation version of the PLS, with the structure of its 3 sub-dimensional and 23-items, will able to be used in studies aiming to determine the characteristics of paternalistic leadership in the organizational structure and management processes of universities for the researchers working in the field of higher education.
Meta-Analysis of Organizational Trust Studies Conducted in Educational Organizations between the Years 2008-2018
meta-analysis trust organizational trust educational organization...
This research aims to combine the results of the studies conducted in educational organizations between the years 2008-2018 that investigated correlation between organizational trust, and organizational support, organizational citizenship, organizational justice, organizational commitment, mobbing, organizational silence, job satisfaction, organizational cynicism and ethical leadership and obtain an overall result. Within this scope, meta-analytic method was used in the study. A literature review was performed by using the concepts "trust" and "organizational trust". A total of 43 independent studies were incorporated into the research by considering the selection criteria determined by the researcher. The total sample size (teacher, academician and school administrator) is 22859. The studies included in the research were analyzed according to random effects model (REM). According to the results of the analysis, there is a high positive correlation between organizational trust, organizational justice [r = .70] and ethical leadership [r = .82]; a moderate positive correlation between organizational trust and organizational commitment [r = .51], organizational support [r = .57], organizational citizenship [r = .43] and job satisfaction [r = .61]. In addition, there was a moderate negative correlation between organizational trust, organizational cynicism [r = -.62] and organizational silence [r = -.30]; and also a low negative correlation between organizational trust and mobbing [r = -.24]. Based on these findings, the high level of organizational justice, organizational support and ethical leadership perceptions of the education stakeholders increase level of organizational trust; whereas the high level of organizational trust increases their job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational commitment, and reduces organizational cynicism and organizational silence perceptions. In addition, employees' exposure to mobbing causes a decrease in organizational trust levels.
Sixth Grade Students’ Listening Comprehension of the Story Text
secondary school listening comprehension...
The aim of this research is to investigate ability of sixth grade students’ comprehension the listened story text. The research is the survey type of quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of the sixth grade students of the middle schools in the city center of Yozgat, Turkey in the 2018-2019 academic years. A simple random cluster sampling method was used in the selection of the sample. A total of 369 sixth grade students are sample. As a data collection, a story text entitled “Hero of the Town” was used. Data were collected in October 2018. SPSS 21 program was used to analyze the data. The level of listening comprehension the sixth grade students to the story text is 77.46%. It is seen that the sixth grade girl students’ listening comprehension are better than boy students. The girls’ listening comprehension is higher than boys’ %8.
Teacher Rating Scales of Early Academic Competence (TRS-EAC): Adaptation to Turkish, Validity and Reliability
academic competence early childhood validity reliability...
This study aims to conduct Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability studies of the Teacher Rating Scales of Early Academic Competence. This study also aims to examine and improve early academic competence thoroughly on the basis of teachers’ ratings in Turkey, and lastly to contribute an assessment and measurement instrument to the literature which will enable to conduct further research in the field. This study was designed in a general survey model. The study included normally developing 619 36-72 month-old preschoolers attending to nursery classes and kindergartens affiliated to Afyonkarahisar Ministry of National Education in 2015-2016 academic year. The validity and reliability studies of the data obtained following the implementation of TRS-EAC, was completed. The Cronbach Alpha, split half test, test-retest reliability of the scale and its subscales were measured. TRS-EAC was found to be valid and reliable for 36-72 month-old children. It can be considered that the various studies that can be used TRS-EAC in Turkey will provide important contributions to the measurement power of this test.
Evaluating and Improving Teacher Educators’ Language-Oriented Performance in Content-Based Teaching
content based teaching teacher evaluation student evaluation reflective teacher practice language focus areas evaluation utilization...
In general, teacher educators are considered to be educational specialists whose main task is to communicate content-based concepts to prospective teachers. However, unfortunately, most studies on teacher professional development overlook this specific language-oriented aspect of content-based teaching. Therefore, we address the aforementioned research gap and argue that teacher educators’ evaluation of their language-oriented performance in educational communication enhances the quality of their content-based teaching. Accordingly, we examine how the language-oriented performance of teacher educators is evaluated by both individual teacher educators (sample size N=3) and their students (N=32) in a small-scale intervention study. The findings of the study reveal that there is a relationship between the order of application of five language focus areas (i.e., language awareness, active listening, formalizing interaction, language support, and language and learning development, as noticed by the students), and teacher educators’ ability to apply these areas in accordance with their objectives related to content-based teaching.
The Mediating Role of Prospective Teachers’ Teaching Self-Efficacy between Self-Efficacy Sources and Attitude towards Teaching Profession
self-efficacy self-efficacy sources attitude teaching profession prospective teachers...
The purpose of this study was to investigate a predictive power of prospective teachers’ self-efficacy sources on their teaching self-efficacy and attitude towards the teaching profession. Design of the study was the correlational research. The study was conducted on 315 prospective teachers studying pedagogical formation education in a 2017-18 academic year. Instruments were “Prospective Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Sources Scale”, “Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale” and “Attitude Scale of Teaching Profession”. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and PATH analysis methods were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that emotional states, mastery experience, and verbal persuasion were significant predictors of prospective teachers’ teaching self-efficacy and attitudes towards teaching profession.
Students' Family Support, Peer Relationships, and Learning Motivation and Teachers Fairness Have an Influence on the Victims of Bullying in Middle School of Hong Kong
victims of bullying pisa 2015 peer relationship family support learning motivation...
This study aims to explore the effect of students’ family socio-economic status, gender, family support, learning motivation and peer relationships and teachers’ equity on the victims of school bullying in Hong Kong. Additionally, the model was analyzed by SEM. The participants in this study were 15 year-old middle school students living in Hong Kong. The data were collected from the PISA 2015 database and the valid number was 4856. The results indicating that family support, peer relationships, and teacher fairness have a negative influence on school bullying. Family support affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Peer relationship affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation. Teacher fairness affects one’s risk of being bullied by influencing learning motivation.
Does Mathematics Anxiety Have Any Impact on Secondary School Pupils' Friend Choices?
math anxiety informal friendship groups social friendship...
This research was conducted in order to determine whether math anxiety was effective in the selection of secondary school students. This research, in which the mixed method was adopted, was conducted in a secondary school at Siirt. The participants (157 pupils) were determined by convenient sampling method from the four different classes (two 5th grade and two 8th grade). Math anxiety levels of the students were determined by the Mathematics Anxiety Scale. Sociometry technique was used to determine the informal friends groups in each class. For this purpose, a friend preference form was used. Students' friends preferences were transformed into data matrix and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis was used to form informal friends groups for each class. Math anxiety scores of informal groups were compared with Kruskal Wallis test. Accordingly, there were significant differences between the mathematical scores of the informal groups in the branches of the 5th and 8th grades. This finding was evaluated that mathematics anxiety may be a factor in the selection of friends.