Active Job Behaviors of Generation Z Elementary School Teachers
The purpose of this study was to classify the active job behaviors of Generation Z (Gen Z, born after 1995) elementary school teachers and investigate.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2023
- Pages: 801-814
- 0 Citations
- #Active job behavior
- # Generation Z elementary school teacher
- # latent profile analysis
- # multinomial logistic regression.
The purpose of this study was to classify the active job behaviors of Generation Z (Gen Z, born after 1995) elementary school teachers and investigate relevant variables that significantly affect such a classification. A total of 375 Gen Z elementary school teachers who passed the National Elementary Teacher Qualification Test and had worked in elementary schools in South Korea participated in this study. The data collected identified the types of active job behaviors among Gen Z elementary school teachers using cross-tabulation through Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). A multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the predictors that influence the types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers. The results were as follows: First, there are four types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers: Ideal, relational, non-participatory, and passive job performance types. Second, teacher efficacy, learning agility, organizational commitment, and principals’ transformational leadership influenced the types of active job behaviors of Gen Z elementary school teachers. The results offer insights into the human resource management of Gen Z elementary school teachers and have significant implications for improving the active job behavior of Gen Z elementary school teachers.
active job behavior generation z elementary school teacher latent profile analysis multinomial logistic regression
Keywords: Active job behavior, Generation Z elementary school teacher, latent profile analysis, multinomial logistic regression.
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