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Research Article

An Effective Method in Improving Social Skills: Literature Circles

Birsen Dogan , Dudu Kaya-Tosun

This study was carried out to determine the effect of literature circles on the social skills of fourth-grade elementary school students. To this end,.


This study was carried out to determine the effect of literature circles on the social skills of fourth-grade elementary school students. To this end, the study was designed as a quasi-experimental study and carried out on 74 students in a public elementary school in the Pamukkale district of Denizli, Turkey. The literature circles method was administered to an experimental group for 18 weeks. In the control group, activities continued in line with the current Turkish Course Curriculum. “School Social Behavior Scales” were used as a data collection instrument. A comparison of the scores on the scales revealed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. The results imply that the literature circles method had a positive influence on the development of the students’ social skills.

Keywords: Literature circles, social skills, elementary school.

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