Analysis of Indonesian Language Learning Obstacles in Primary Schools
Learning Indonesian in elementary schools can help students get to know themselves, their culture and other cultures, express ideas, participate in so.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2019
- Pages: 663-669
- 2 Citations
Learning Indonesian in elementary schools can help students get to know themselves, their culture and other cultures, express ideas, participate in society, and discover and use the analytical and imaginative abilities that are present in them. In the implementation of Indonesian language learning there are many gaps, so it is less able to achieve the specified learning objectives to the maximum. This research was conducted in class 5 of Totosari Elementary School No. 102 Surakarta, Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to explore obstacles in the process of learning Indonesian in elementary schools. This research uses a case study approach. Data collection was carried out by observing the Indonesian learning process, interviewing, and examining the average student test scores. The collected data were analyzed using interactive analysis according to Miles and Huberman. The results of his research are 1) The teacher has not used the media in the learning process especially Indonesian Language learning; 2) Learning is carried out is still conventional; 3) Students in learning tend to memorize subject matter. Through learning innovations that are in accordance with the characteristics of elementary school students are expected to be able to create meaningful learning.
Keywords: Obstacles, Indonesian, language learning, elementary school.
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