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Research Article

Articulation Between a Technological Model and an Educational Model to Deepen the Reflection of Prospective Mathematics Teachers

Yuri Morales-López , Adriana Breda , Vicenç Font

This article is aimed at integrating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) system with the Didactic Suitability Criteria (DSC) of th.


This article is aimed at integrating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) system with the Didactic Suitability Criteria (DSC) of the Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge and Competences (DMKC) system to improve the reflection of prospective mathematics teachers on online classes. Thirteen prospective teachers, divided into two subgroups, participated in a training cycle that addressed both models. Each participant used and created indicators of reflection of the assigned model to analyze an online class on functions, and subgroups exchanged reflections to examine the class from the other model’s perspective. It was noted that the DMKC model allows for a broad analysis of the class but has limitations in assessing technology and the teacher's technological knowledge, while TPACK’s emphasis is on technology and teacher knowledge but does not explicitly address mathematical interaction or affective aspects. It is concluded that combining the TPACK model and the DSC of the DMKC model can generate more complete tools to reflect on online math classes and consequently allow for a comprehensive evaluation that covers both the mathematical content and the technological and pedagogical skills of the teacher.

Keywords: Didactic suitability criteria, DMKC, teacher reflection, TPACK, training of prospective mathematics teachers.

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