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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Theoretical Article

Developing a Model for Sustainable Development in Education Based on Convergence Education

Keejoo Kim , Eunsuk Bae , Myungsuk Lee

Education for sustainable development (ESD) refers to education on the values and behaviors necessary for a sustainable future and society where every.

  • Pub. date: February 15, 2023
  • Pages: 249-259
  • 2 Citations


Education for sustainable development (ESD) refers to education on the values and behaviors necessary for a sustainable future and society where everyone receives high-quality benefits. In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, convergence thinking is emphasized as a method of ESD. Therefore, this study aims to derive a model for developing open convergence subjects for ESD. The idea for this model was derived by combining the process of establishing a Convergence Department at Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain and the unit activities of Kyoto University in Japan. The challenges of failing to achieve the original goal and purpose of convergence due to emphasizing specific majors were solved by defining requirements for the model. Convergence subjects that meet the requirements are developed by following the order of the proposed model. In the future, a convergence subject pilot model will be applied using the proposed model to present and operate a course development process called “technology and future are seen through the window of currency”.

Keywords: Convergence, convergence subject, education for sustainable development, horizontal convergence, open convergence education.

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