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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Epistemic Action of Junior High School Students With Low Spatial Ability in Constructing Cube Nets

Asep Sahrudin , Mega Teguh Budiarto , Manuharawati Manuharawati

This study aims to describe the abstraction of epistemic action, which includes recognition, building-with and construction in junior high school stud.


This study aims to describe the abstraction of epistemic action, which includes recognition, building-with and construction in junior high school students with low spatial ability in constructing cube nets. The research method used in this study is an exploratory qualitative method with the primary data in the form of interviews with two junior high school students with low spatial abilities who were selected using an inclusive purposive sampling technique. Based on data analysis on the two subjects, it was found that the two subjects constructed a cube net of 14 plain cube nets, 14 colour cube nets and 14 cube nets with variations of domino motifs. In the activity of constructing the cube nets, the two subjects used different epistemic actions; subject SR1 constructed the cube nets as a whole using only two epistemic actions, referred to as recognition and building-with. The activity of subject SR2 in constructing cube nets as a whole uses more epistemic actions that are tiered and interrelated with each other, where the first action that occurs is recognition, the second is building-with, and the third is construction.

Keywords: Abstraction, building-with, construction, epistemic action, recognition.

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