Examining the Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Science Learning Skills in Terms of Their Attitudes Towards Science and Their Science Teaching Self-Efficacy Beliefs
This study aims to investigate the relationship between the science learning skills of primary school teacher candidates and various variables. A corr.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2022
- Pages: 853-864
- 2 Citations
This study aims to investigate the relationship between the science learning skills of primary school teacher candidates and various variables. A correlational survey design was used in the study as a research methodology. With the correlational survey design, the relationships between the science learning skills of the primary school teacher candidates and some variables were examined and their effectiveness in predicting their science learning skills was determined. This study was conducted on 160 teacher candidates in the spring term of the 2019-2020 academic year. As a result of the study, a high level of correlation was found between the science learning skills of the primary school teacher candidates and their self-efficacy belief in science education. In addition, it was found that 38% of science learning skills were explained by attitudes and beliefs. In other words, it was seen that the affective characteristics of pre-service teachers about science significantly affected their science learning skills. In the light of these results, it is recommended to carry out studies in the education process to develop the necessary skills before considering the cognitive competencies of primary school teachers about science. They should also develop positive feelings towards science and gain the understanding that science is not a field of memorization, but a fun field necessary to make sense of the world.
Keywords: Attitudes towards science, science learning skills, self-efficacy belief, teacher candidates.
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