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Research Article

Exploring Faculty Members' Views on the Use of Open Education Resources: A Case of the Namibian Open Distance Learning Institutions

Edwig Karipi , Ailwei Solomon Mawela , Micheal M. Van-Wyk

Open educational resources (OER) are an innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by providing free quality learning resources. Consequently,.


Open educational resources (OER) are an innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by providing free quality learning resources. Consequently, this study explored the perception of the Namibian open and distance learning institutions' perception of the use of OER as a pedagogical approach. The study focused on faculty members from the three public ODL institutions in Namibia. Integrated theories with a qualitative case study and interpretivist paradigm underpin this study. Qualitative methodologies were used to collect and analyse data. This study showed an inconsistency between the faculty members' perceptions and OER use within the ODL institutions in Namibia. Although the faculty members displayed positive attitudes towards the use of OER, very little has been achieved in the use of OER within the institutions for the benefit of the Namibian ODL students. The study identified various challenges that impede OER adoption at the institutional level. Recommendations were formulated to address the identified challenges.

Keywords: Open educational resources (OER), open and distance learning, OER adoption, ODL pedagogical approaches, teaching

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