Exploring Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions of Sustainability in Visual Arts Education
The concept of sustainability in visual arts education is a relatively new way of looking at content. Therefore, it is important that the contents of .
- Pub. date: February 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: November 29, 2024
- Pages: 1-15
- 0 Citations
The concept of sustainability in visual arts education is a relatively new way of looking at content. Therefore, it is important that the contents of sustainability are systematically integrated into the educational process at all levels of education. In this research, special attention was paid to the specifics of understanding the complexity of the term “sustainability" of pre-service teachers who come from a different educational background and who will also carry out visual arts activities with different aged students in their future work. A free association method with online interviews and artwork analysis was used in this study, with 5 female pre-service teachers from four different European countries. The study revealed that pre-service teachers recognize examples of good practice in architecture, the cultural landscape, and various other visual arts messages - they know what good sustainable practice in the environment and the arts is and what is not. However, they show less understanding of the specifics of materials as carriers of material cultural heritage or of the artworks themselves, as well as of contemporary artistic practices that emphasize themes related to sustainable issues or development. It can be concluded that further interdisciplinary approaches should be used in reaching sustainability goals in visual arts education and wider.
contemporary art cultural heritage foreign students interdisciplinary approach sustainable development visual arts classes
Keywords: Contemporary art, cultural heritage, foreign students, interdisciplinary approach, sustainable development, visual arts classes.
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