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development method intellectual disability quality of life training program methodology youth development

Family Perceptions About the Methodology of the “We All Are Campus” Training Program

José Antonio García-Candel , Abraham Bernárdez-Gómez , María Luisa Belmonte-Almagro

The transition to adulthood involves not only the acquisition of professional skills but also the development of social and emotional competencies tha.


The transition to adulthood involves not only the acquisition of professional skills but also the development of social and emotional competencies that enable individuals to fully integrate into society. The educational program "We all are campus" of the University of Murcia focuses on preparing young people with intellectual disabilities for the ultimate goal of employment. In this study, 30 family members or guardians of people with intellectual disabilities (PcDI) participated and were consulted about their perceptions of this educational program. The research was conducted using a mixed qualitative methodology, adopting a case study approach. The main results indicate that the training received by the students improves aspects such as their interpersonal relationships and development. In addition, it is relevant to highlight that the family members emphasize an increase in maturity and the knowledge of the people with intellectual disabilities who attended the program "We all are campus". It is concluded that there are several aspects that are relevant to the families, among them, the optimism and support that their relatives need in the face of the uncertainty of their future.

Keywords: Development method, intellectual disability, quality of life, training program methodology, youth development.

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