Game-Based Learning Kit Method in Isometric Transformations: Usability and Effects on Students’ Achievement and Motivation
Siti Munirah Mohd Nasir , Zamzana Zamzamir , Nor’ain Mohd Tajudin , Sabarina Shafie , Norhayati Ahmat , Norsida Hasan
This study focused on the development of teaching aids for the topic of Isometric Transformations for Form 2 students in Malaysia. The first objective.
- Pub. date: May 15, 2023
- Pages: 321-332
- 2 Citations
This study focused on the development of teaching aids for the topic of Isometric Transformations for Form 2 students in Malaysia. The first objective was to determine the usability of teaching aids in the isometric transformations kit integrates game-based learning (GBL) Method (KitTI Method) and the second objective was to examine the effectiveness of using the KitTI Method on students’ achievement and motivation. This study was directed by the Design and Development Research (DDR) model with survey and quasi-experimental designs. The sample selection was conducted by cluster sampling involving Form 2 students from schools in the district of Muallim and Batang Padang in the state of Perak. The instruments used were KitTI Method Teaching Aids Usability Questionnaire (KMTAUQ), Isometric Transformations Topic Achievement Test (ITTAT), and KitTI Method Motivation Questionnaire (KMMQ). The findings showed that the mean score of KitTI Method‘s usability was high, the treatment group obtained significantly higher improvement in achievement compared to the control group while the mean scores of pre-test achievement as a covariate and students’ motivation in learning Isometric Transformations were high. Therefore, the KitTI Method is suitable to be implemented as a guide for mathematics teachers in designing dynamic teaching and learning and is able to improve students’ achievement and motivation.
Keywords: Game based learning, isometric transformations, mathematics, motivation.
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