How Do Employability, Personality, and Talent Management Affect Lecturers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Private universities in Indonesia need to urgently enhance the lecturers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), especially in overcoming a tr.
- Pub. date: August 15, 2023
- Pages: 463-476
- 0 Citations
Private universities in Indonesia need to urgently enhance the lecturers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), especially in overcoming a transition period of learning patterns after the COVID-19 pandemic from online to offline. Therefore, this research explores employability, personality, and talent management affect OCB and proves job involvement mediates employability, personality, and talent management influences OCB. It was conducted through a survey using a Likert scale questionnaire with 230 participants of lecturers from Indonesian private universities. Path analysis supplemented by descriptive and correlational analysis was used as a data analysis technique. The results showed that employability, personality, talent management, and job involvement significantly affect OCB. In addition, job involvement mediates employability, personality, talent management influences OCB. Therefore, a new empirical model regarding employability, personality, and talent management affect OCB with job involvement mediation was developed. Accordingly, researchers and practitioners can utilize for the model in their future activities.
Keywords: Employability, job involvement, OCB, personality, talent management.
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