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Research Article

Involvement of Stakeholders in the Transformation of Educational Services via Taking Advantage of Extra-Curriculum Educational Activities in the Settings of Education Reform

Valentyna I. Bobrytska , Hanna V. Krasylnykova , Nataliia V. Ladohubets , Larysa I. Vorona , Illia О. Lysokon

The purpose of the study is to explore the ways of involving university stakeholders specifically in updating educational services. It combined explor.


The purpose of the study is to explore the ways of involving university stakeholders specifically in updating educational services. It combined exploratory and observational research methods which relied on qualitative or quantitative data gathered through the researcher-designed and validated tools which were the empirical and methodological contributions to the previous research. The five most frequent choices that might encourage the stakeholders to donate or invest in an educational institution were as follows: a portfolio of the use of donations, investments, or grants, having a stake in the educational services of more than 7%, having access to budgeting and cost reporting, having a share in the institutions’ profit and being one of the decision-makers. The factors that discouraged investors from investing in education were as follows: distrust of the activity of the educational institutions in terms of addressing the stakeholders’ needs or interests, lack of engagement or cooperation, institutional and government-imposed barriers between them and the institutions, uncertainty concerning the efficiency of the institutions and inefficient use of the resources by the institutions. The initiative was complimentarily perceived by stakeholders in terms of collaboration and investment opportunities. It was also found beneficial by the sampled students.

Keywords: Education, extra-curriculum educational services, involvement of stakeholders, investments in education, transformation of educational services.

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