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Research Article

Involvement of Teachers, Parents, and School Committees in Improving Scientific Attitudes of Elementary School Students: Application of Rasch Model Analysis

Kartika Chrysti Suryandai , Rokhmaniyah , Moh Salimi , Siti Fatimah

This research analyzed the involvement of teachers, parents, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes in science learning using Rasch m.


This research analyzed the involvement of teachers, parents, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes in science learning using Rasch model analysis. A survey method was used in this quantitative study. Participants in the study were selected using a purposive sample of 174 teachers, parents, and school committees in Sleman and Kebumen Regencies, Indonesia. A questionnaire was used in data collection to determine the involvement of teachers, parents, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes toward science learning. The questionnaires were completed using a Likert scale of 1-4, and the data were then analyzed using the Rasch model. The result showed that all participants were the average logit items (+1.03 logit). The reliability was 0.89, indicating a positive response to improving students' scientific attitudes. The results of the Rasch model analysis suggested that the involvement of parents, teachers, and school committees in improving scientific attitudes differed according to their roles. Each instrument element was analyzed in more detail in the Rasch model. Participants' roles were reflected in the specific involvements of teachers in learning, parents at home with children, and school committees participating in school policy-making.

Keywords: Parents, Rasch model, scientific attitude, school committee, teachers.

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