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Research Article

Mathematical Creativity: Student Geometrical Figure Apprehension in Geometry Problem-Solving Using New Auxiliary Elements

Muhammad Muzaini , Sri Rahayuningsih , Muhammad Ikram , Fathimah Az-Zahrah Nasiruddin

The definition of creativity among professional mathematicians and the definition of mathematical creativity in the classroom context are significantl.


The definition of creativity among professional mathematicians and the definition of mathematical creativity in the classroom context are significantly different. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ mathematical creativity (i.e., cognitive flexibility) and figure apprehension when solving geometric problems with novel auxiliary features such as straight lines and curved lines. In other words, this study determined if geometry knowledge influenced mathematical creativity (cognitive flexibility) in problem-solving. Grade-12 students participated in the intervention. The high school that is the research topic attempts to equip students with academic abilities and is, except for vocational schools, the most popular form of high school among all other types. Such a school was chosen for the study so that a significant proportion of students in Makassar could be represented. In this study, we discovered a relationship between cognitive flexibility and the geometric ability of pupils while solving problems involving auxiliary lines. This indicates that the usage of auxiliary lines as a reference for developing pupils’ creative thinking skills must be advocated. In addition, good geometric abilities (e.g., visual thinking, geometrical reasoning) will encourage pupils to generate various problem-solving concepts. This finding contributes significantly to future research by focusing on auxiliary lines.

Keywords: Cognitive flexibility, geometrical figure apprehension, mathematical creativity, new auxiliary elements.

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