Mathematical Reflective Thinking Process of Prospective Elementary Teachers Review from the Disposition in Numerical Literacy Problems
Setiyani , S. B. Waluya , Y. L. Sukestiyarno , Adi Nur Cahyono
The purpose of this qualitative research is to analyze the reflective thinking process of prospective elementary teacher in numeracy problems in terms.
- Pub. date: August 15, 2022
- Pages: 405-420
- 0 Citations
The purpose of this qualitative research is to analyze the reflective thinking process of prospective elementary teacher in numeracy problems in terms of their mathematical disposition. The subjects in this study were 26 prospective elementary school teachers who had attended elementary mathematics lectures. The focus in this research is the process of mathematical reflective thinking in solving story problems of a two-variable linear equation system in terms of the level of mathematical disposition. The research instrument consisted of a disposition questionnaire, a reflective thinking ability test and the researcher himself as the main instrument. Good mathematical reflective thinking skills are supported by disposition, by constantly monitoring one's own performance, reflecting on one's own performance, reasoning on one's own performance, considering the overall situation, the habit of analyzing the relationship between variables, being flexible in various alternative solutions to mathematical problems and trying to solve mathematical problems. From the results of this study, lecturers can develop learning media, scaffolding, or teaching materials that accommodate different dispositional abilities of prospective teachers that can be used to improve the reflective thinking process.
Keywords: Disposition, numeracy problems, reflective thinking process.
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