Measuring Purpose in Life in College Students: An Assessment of Invariance Properties by College Year and Undergraduate School
Ella Anghel , Larry Ludlow , Olivia Szendey , Christina Matz-Costa , Theresa O’Keefe , Henry Braun
Purpose in life is a key construct in the development of young adults, particularly college students. There are many instruments measuring sense of pu.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2021
- Pages: 603-614
- 4 Citations
Purpose in life is a key construct in the development of young adults, particularly college students. There are many instruments measuring sense of purpose in life, but few studies have examined their measurement properties among college students. The current study compares the measurement invariance properties of the Purpose in Life (PIL) scale and the Claremont Purpose Scale (CPS) across college year and undergraduate school. Using both a unidimensional and a two-dimensional model, we found that the PIL’s interpretability is limited among college students. Using a three-dimensional model, the CPS was invariant with respect to both grouping variables. The study suggests that the CPS can be used to make meaningful comparisons among college students categorized by school year and undergraduate school. The study also has some implications about the construct of purpose in life; namely, scale structures that work well statistically and theoretically among adults might not generalize to young adults.
Keywords: College students, confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance, purpose in life.
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