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Research Article

Native Language Awareness of Preservice Teachers

Serdar Akbulut , Yasemin Aslan , Eylem Ezgi Ahıskalı

The language, in the most basic sense, is a means of communication among people. Since the proper and effective use of people’s native language .


The language, in the most basic sense, is a means of communication among people. Since the proper and effective use of people’s native language will shape the whole life of an individual, individuals are expected to have native language awareness. There is a strong bilateral relationship between the effective use of native language and native language awareness. All the teachers/preservice teachers and especially native language teachers/preservice teachers, who are role models as being instructors, are expected to have this awareness and help students to gain and transfer it to the future generations.  By this motivation, this study aims to examine language awareness of preservice teachers, an example from Turkey. Through phenomenological design of the qualitative research methods, it has been aimed to reach this goal.  Accordingly, the data were collected through semi-structured and structured opinion forms from 60 preservice teachers studying in a state university. In the study, it was seen that preservice teachers generally have this awareness. It has been revealed that the preservice teachers tend to correct their use of language that they think is wrong, they investigate the word they do not know the spelling when they are indecisive, and they mostly find it necessary to obey the language rules in multimedia. It was concluded that attention in the use of language emphasizes the negativities to be encountered in the dimension of providing social communication in daily life.

Keywords: Native language, language awareness, preservice teachers.

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