Perceptions of prospective Turkish Teachers regarding Literature Circles
The fact that the prospective Turkish teachers’ having a command of different methods and techniques as being Turkish teachers of the future is .
- Pub. date: May 15, 2018
- Pages: 53-60
- 7 Citations
The fact that the prospective Turkish teachers’ having a command of different methods and techniques as being Turkish teachers of the future is important in terms of its positive effects on the comprehension and expression skills of the middle school students. This study used the case study design and the qualitative approach. The aim of the research was to test the effectiveness of literature circle method and contribute to the field in theoretical and practical context. Fourty-six prospective Turkish teachers were conveniently sampled from the state university in Istanbul, to participate in the study. During six weeks, the opinions of prospective Turkish teachers who applied literature circle method were collected through unstructured interview forms. The data collected were subjected to a content analysis. It was concluded that prospective Turkish teachers found the method of literature circle favorible, in terms of cooperation, solidarity, gaining different perspectives, revealing hidden talents, developing self-confidence, aesthetic pleasure, enriching vocabulary and catching the details.
Keywords: Prospective Turkish teachers, literature circle, methods, cooperation
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