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Research Article

Preschool Teachers’ Preparation Programs: The Use of Puppetry for Early Childhood Science Education

Erdinc Ocal , Abdulhamit Karademir , Ozkan Saatcioglu , Beyza Demirel

This paper investigated how puppetry could be used to improve the standards of early childhood science education. This study determined the effect of .


This paper investigated how puppetry could be used to improve the standards of early childhood science education. This study determined the effect of a puppet-making and puppetry workshop on preservice preschool teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards science education and looked into their experiences during and after puppet-making. Although participants faced some difficulties during the workshop, they developed numerous socioemotional skills. Puppetry activities can help preservice teachers learn how to deliver child-centered, stimulating, and interactive classes. Using puppets in early childhood science education can help teachers develop positive attitudes towards science and offer students high-quality, engaging, and creative activities.

Keywords: Early childhood science education, puppets, teacher education, teaching methods.

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