Structural Capital’s Contribution to Teacher’s Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment
This study analyses the relationships between schools’ structural capital, teachers’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 32 sc.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2018
- Pages: 195-203
- 3 Citations
This study analyses the relationships between schools’ structural capital, teachers’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 32 schools were selected randomly with cluster sampling method from the primary schools at Hatay city in the 2017-2018 academic year. Of the 300 questionnaires that were distributed, 264 were found to be validated and taken into analysis. The final structural equation model suggests that schools’ structural capital perceived by teachers is positively related to teachers’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Organizational commitment is a full mediator in the relationship between structural capital and job satisfaction. Teachers working at schools which are perceived to have a high level of structural capital, feel more committed to their school and thereby get satisfied with their job. School administrators are recommended to invest in promoting the level of school’s structural capital, if they want teachers to be more committed and satisfied which are key factors of performance at schools.
Keywords: Structural capital, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, teachers, schools
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