Students’ Challenges and Support Needed in Reaching Academic Literacies in Higher Education: In-Depth Interviews with Swedish Students
The aim of this study is to capture and analyse perspectives on higher education from the views of five students through in-depth interviews. The stud.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2022
- Pages: 731-741
- 2 Citations
The aim of this study is to capture and analyse perspectives on higher education from the views of five students through in-depth interviews. The students' statements are analyzed in order to gain an understanding of their experiences of developing academic literacies in their university studies. They are regularly visiting the university study workshop for help with their exam assignments. The following questions have been formulated to fulfil the aim of the study: (a) what aspects of studies in higher education do the students express as important, favorable, or unfavorable, for their development of academic literacies? and (b) in what way do the students value the study workshops as an educational tool? The analysis reveals three themes: the importance of explicit support structures, the importance of teachers’ feedback, and the importance of using the students’ pedagogical capital. The results also show that the students highly value the study workshop when they reflect upon the one-to-one feedback, but the support seems to be insufficient both in supporting them to be more independent in their studies and in developing academic literacies from a critical and epistemological point of view.
Keywords: Academic literacies, explicit education, feedback, pedagogical capital.
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