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Review Article

Systematic Literature Review: Effectiveness of a Teaching Aid Based on the Achievement and Interest of Students in the Field of Measurement and Geometry

Fatin Nur Dania Shaimi , Shazlyn Milleana Shaharudin , Mazlini Adnan

The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to identify: (a) the topic of the study, (b) the research methods used, and (c) the results .


The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to identify: (a) the topic of the study, (b) the research methods used, and (c) the results of research on Mathematics education in Malaysia. This study discusses the use of teaching aid (TA) in the field of syllabus and geometry for Form 2 students. The use of TA is considered highly successful and relevant for educators to improve the quality of the teacher’s instructions and students’ understanding. Therefore, using the rules of optional reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA), a review system was carried out to determine the appropriate strategies and variables for the field. Four stages constitute the PRISMA paradigm used in this study: identification, screening, qualification, and admission. Using criteria opted by researchers from multiple searches, including Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Scopus, and Emerald, over 20 papers were identified for additional investigation. The data were then analysed quantitatively to describe the research's findings. From the results, two main research themes were found, namely (a) learning to use TA; and (b) the field of measurement and geometry of Mathematics. The results of the article analysis indicate that Mathematics education in Malaysia is currently at a moderate level and is ineffective at fostering students' understanding and interest. These results are anticipated to serve as the foundation for teachers, students, schools, and the Ministry of Education to undertake more engaging and interactive learning, particularly in the subject areas of mathematics and geometry.

Keywords: Geometry, isometric transformation, mathematics, teaching aids.

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