Teachers’ Views on the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in the Teaching of Slovene (First Language) in Primary School
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brings modern learning approaches, forms and methods to education, and with them new opportunities for .
- Pub. date: May 15, 2024
- Pages: 293-306
- 0 Citations
- #Elementary school teachers
- # ICT in education
- # primary school
- # Slovene
- # Slovenian language teachers.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brings modern learning approaches, forms and methods to education, and with them new opportunities for learning and teaching. The use of ICT in the classroom motivates students, enables them to participate, provides individualisation and differentiation, interactivity, and encourages creativity and critical thinking. Teachers play a very important role in this, as they are the ones who can provide students with a stimulating learning environment, including through the use of ICT. As Slovene (first language) is the subject with the most teaching hours in public primary schools in the Republic of Slovenia, we conducted an empirical study on the views of general and subject teachers of Slovene (N = 190) on the integration of information and communication technology in teaching. Teachers’ opinions were investigated through quantitative research. We found that teachers frequently use ICT in Slovene lessons, namely for repeating and consolidating learning material and for presenting new learning material, and that ICT is used most often in frontal forms of learning. Teachers mostly use LCD projectors, computers, interactive whiteboards, e-workbooks, audio recordings and videos. We also found that teachers are moderately satisfied with the available ICT equipment and e-materials, and that they feel moderately competent when it comes to using ICT in Slovene lessons. Teachers also used ICT during the COVID-19 epidemic. We also found that there are no statistically significant differences in the use of ICT between teachers teaching Slovene according to their teaching level, age and years of service.
elementary school teachers ict in education primary school slovene slovenian language teachers
Keywords: Elementary school teachers, ICT in education, primary school, Slovene, Slovenian language teachers.
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