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Research Article

Textbooks Thematic Based Character Education on Thematic Learning Primary School: An Influence

Meilan Tri Wuryani , Roemintoyo , Sri Yamtinah

The research aims to find out the extent of the influence of textbook thematic based character education on thematic learning primary school students..


The research aims to find out the extent of the influence of textbook thematic based character education on thematic learning primary school students. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research. This research was conducted through categorizing an experimental group by textbook thematic based character education and a control group by using the conventional learning textbook. The population in this research was 61 fourth-grade students in total. Sample determination was conducted by using simple random sampling. In this research, data collection techniques were test and observation. Data analysis techniques were descriptive statistics and t-test with SPSS 21.0. The result of calculation shows that the t-result is 9.162 with which the significance level is less than 0.05 that is 0.000. Thus, it can be concluded that learning with the textbook thematic based character education has an influence on thematic learning of fourth-grade students in primary school. In addition to influential in student learning outcomes, textbook thematic based character education also affects the character of students.

Keywords: Textbook thematic, character education, thematic learning, primary school

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