The Effect of Teachers’ Savoring on Creative Behaviors: Mediating Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy and Aesthetic Experience
This study aims to explore the effect of savoring of teachers at universities in Shandong, China, on their creative behaviors, using creative self-eff.
- Pub. date: August 15, 2019
- Pages: 325-335
- 5 Citations
This study aims to explore the effect of savoring of teachers at universities in Shandong, China, on their creative behaviors, using creative self-efficacy and aesthetic experience as mediators. This study adopted the use of questionnaires to investigate teachers at 32 universities in Shandong, China. 822 valid questionnaires were retrieved and were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM). Findings from this study include: 1. teachers’ savoring has a negative effect on creative behaviors; 2. teachers’ creative self-efficacy has a positive effect on creative behaviors; 3. teachers’ aesthetic experience has a positive effect on creative behaviors; 4. teachers’ savoring, mediated by creative self-efficacy, has a positive effect on creative behaviors; 5. teachers’ savoring, mediated by aesthetic experience, has a positive effect on creative behaviors.
Keywords: Savoring, creative behaviors, aesthetic experience, creative self-efficacy.
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