The Effects of Pupil Control Ideology of Teachers on their Conflict Management Strategies
The aim of this study was to determine teachers' perspectives on conflict management strategies and further to determine the effects of pupil cont.
- Pub. date: November 15, 2015
- Pages: 35-41
- 3 Citations
The aim of this study was to determine teachers' perspectives on conflict management strategies and further to determine the effects of pupil control ideologies on their conflict management strategies. 120 primary and secondary school teachers were administered a Likert type questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed through multiple regression analyses and the teachers’ perspectives on conflict management strategies were determined. Moreover, the effects of pupil control ideology of teachers on their conflict management strategies were revealed. The results of this study suggested that teachers preferred integration reconciliation strategy in conflict resolution the most, and domination strategy the least. It was observed that, among the conflict management strategies, teachers’ pupil control ideologies predicted domination strategy positively and integration-reconciliation negatively. Certain suggestions were made based on the findings of the study.
Keywords: Pupil control ideology, teachers, conflict management strategies
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