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organizational support perception proactive behaviors teaching performance vocational college teachers

The Impact of Proactive Behaviors of Vocational College Teachers on Teaching Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Support Perception

Pengfei Li , Cangkai Zhang

This study aims to explore the relationship between proactive behaviors, teaching performance, and organizational support among vocational college tea.


This study aims to explore the relationship between proactive behaviors, teaching performance, and organizational support among vocational college teachers. Based on the theory of organizational support, we conducted a survey of 373 teachers from four vocational colleges in Shanxi Province, using scales for proactive behaviors, organizational support, and teaching performance. The results indicate that: (a) There is a significant correlation between teachers' proactive behaviors and teaching performance; (b) There is a significant correlation between teachers' proactive behaviors and organizational support; (c) Organizational support plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between teachers' proactive behaviors and teaching performance. This study enriches the application of organizational support in vocational colleges, providing empirical evidence for improving teachers' proactive behaviors in higher education institutions, which could be useful for central or local education policy decision-makers and implementing units. Additionally, this model could be further applied beyond vocational education to other contexts or policies, demonstrating both theoretical and practical significance.

Keywords: Organizational support perception, proactive behaviors, teaching performance, vocational college teachers.

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