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Review Article

The Influence of Teacher Efficacy on Education Quality: A Meta-Analysis

Ratna Hidayah , Muhammad Nur Wangid , Wuri Wuryandani , Moh Salimi

This research aims to prove the influence of teacher efficacy on learning quality with quantitative meta-analysis. The eligibility criteria in this st.


This research aims to prove the influence of teacher efficacy on learning quality with quantitative meta-analysis. The eligibility criteria in this study include: (a) The publication can be searched in Google Scholar, ERIC, DOAJ, Research Gate, and or ScienceDirect; (b) The publication is indexed in Scopus, WoS, SINTA (a portal indexing journal managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, equivalent to DOAJ and Index Copernicus), DOAJ, Index Copernicus, and at least they must be indexed in Google Scholar; (c) The topic of the studies must be relevant; (d) The studies must be carried out in the 2014-2023 year range; (e) The publication must have a value of (r), (t) or (F); (f) The studies have a magnitude of N ≥ 20. This study used the JASP application for data analysis. The results showed that: (a) the 40 studies analyzed were heterogeneous and normally distributed; (b) the influence of teacher efficacy on education quality is classified as strong (p < 0.05; rRE = 0.800); (c) publication bias was not detected. This study concluded that teacher efficacy has a strong influence on education quality.

Keywords: Education quality, meta-analysis study, teacher efficacy.

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