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Research Article

The Influence of Teacher Professional Identity on Conformity Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Institutional Norms

Chuang Xu , Yuan-Cheng Chang

Based on institutional theory, this study explores the causal relationship between teacher professional identity, perceived institutional norms, and t.


Based on institutional theory, this study explores the causal relationship between teacher professional identity, perceived institutional norms, and teachers’ conformity behavior in colleges and universities in Hunan Province. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 500 teachers from two universities in Hunan Province. The reliability and validity test results and structural equation modeling analysis show that the professional identity of college teachers positively affects their conformity behavior, and that perceived institutional norms partially mediate the relationship between teacher professional identity and teacher conformity behavior. The research enriches the application of institutional theory in university organization and provides an empirical basis for universities to improve teachers’ conformity behavior.

Keywords: Conformity behavior, perceived institutional norms, teacher professional identity, university teachers.

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