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Research Article

The Pedagogical Role of the Primary-School Headteacher: Insights From Greece

Nikolaos Alexopoulos , Thomas Babalis , Konstantina Tsoli , Stavroula Delioridou

The pedagogical and didactic guidance of teachers has been linked, in the relevant literature, to the school management’s adoption of the model .


The pedagogical and didactic guidance of teachers has been linked, in the relevant literature, to the school management’s adoption of the model of pedagogical leadership as well as to the assurance of a series of factors that influence it. This study aims at investigating the pedagogical role of the principal in Greek primary schools. Data were collected through an anonymous questionnaire completed by 133 Greek primary school head teachers. Results show that head teachers consider that their pedagogical role has mainly to do with the pedagogical climate, psychosocial and pedagogical guidance of the school unit. Additionally, the research results show that head teachers carry out their pedagogical role cooperating and communicating mainly with the members of the educational community of the school. Another noteworthy finding of the present study is that the factors that support head teachers in their pedagogical leadership role, are hard to exist in hierarchical educational realities such as Greece. The originality of the paper draws attention to the school's socio-economic environment, which significantly influences school leadership. Conclusions on the implications of the study are made and directions for future research are suggested.

Keywords: Headteacher, pedagogical leadership, school principal, school climate, school life.

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